"That's what people wanna hear. They wanna hear fight in their president. It's sort of which side are you on is more determined by style and emotionalism than it is by substance," Democratic party tool Jim Braude of Boston's NECN-TV informed his viewers last evening. Media strategist Rick Wilson boiled the message down to fewer than 140 characters on Twitter a couple of hours ago:
This morning's Journolist/Cabalist, etc. Talking Point 1 is: 'The President is a FIGHTER! Go Barack! Yay! Boehner is EVUL!
We have no reason to believe that our local Oracle is a card-carrying member of whatever the narrative-distorting Journolist has morphed into, but the party line rolled effortlessly off his tongue:
Even though it's good politics talking about tax cuts for the middle class and dumpin' 'em for the wealthiest Americans, that's not what people are going to take away from that. What they're going to take away from today and yesterday is a President who is fighting. Yesterday he leaves his script and says "they," meaning his opponents, "treat me like a dog." He got wild applause. Today he calls out by name John Boehner, he's the sort of orange-complexioned Republican Leader of the House from Ohio.
"Speaking of John Boehner," explains Erick Erikson, "make no mistake that George Stephanapoulous remains a partisan hack":
We know from the Politico [though he denies it] that he has regular phone calls with Rahm Emanuel. So it comes as no surprise that he started questioning John Boehner about Boehner’s tan right about the time Democratic polling firm PPP makes a big stink about polling on Boehner’s tan and Obama mocks Boehner’s tan too.
Regular phone calls with Rahm Emanuel are no doubt above Jim Braude's pay grade, but talking points of the day are there for the taking. Just tune in to Stephanopoulous's Good Morning America.
Update: King Shamus links with a fun and funny rant:
Also, I don’t think the Democrats can play the ‘Your Party Leader Is A Freak” card with any kind of credibility. There’s a surgically enhanced reason why Mark Levin refers to the Speaker of the House as Nancy ‘Stretch’ Pelosi, and it ain’t because she’s abnormally tall.
It’s also a pretty childish strategery. Okay, Boehner’s skin tone is closer to Snooki than any human being’s flesh should be. But what does that have to do with the Democrat Party’s record of fiscal insanity, tone-deaf leadership or willful economic destruction?
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
Truth be told, the people do not want to hear the President. While Obama was on vacation, his poll numbers IMPROVED, since he has been back and in full campaign voice, his polling has PLUMMETED.
Brian O'Connor
Posted by: Brian O'Connor | September 09, 2010 at 11:49 AM
A high IQ that is not used to study how humans operate and what history has to teach us is not a qualification to tell the rest of us how to behave to achieve peace and prosperity. It is understandable how those ignorant intellectuals seethe with anger at the rest of us, but to allow them rule is certain disaster.
Posted by: goomp | September 09, 2010 at 04:13 PM
Sissy, thanks so much for the link. Glad you liked my snarkage. You rule, my friend.
Posted by: KingShamus | September 15, 2010 at 12:06 AM