"GOP unknown in striking range?" headlines Drudge, just below a photo of a goofy-looking Barney Frank and the headline "Barney Frank blames 'right-wing media' for tightening race..."
"The nervousness plaguing Democrats nationwide has touched even Frank," writes Byron York in his latest Washington Examiner column, "GOP unknown in striking range?" We've been blogging and plugging that "GOP unknown," Sean Bielat, ever since we stumbled upon his "Retire Barney" campaign at the Boston Tea Party last April, and Glenn Reynolds — who also links York's piece this evening — has been following the story at least since mid-August. Now Drudge has picked up the scent! Given Sean's opponent's ability to "raise virtually all the money he wants … national support is key" notes York:
But Frank is also one of those liberal Democrats who conservative Republicans love to hate. If GOP donors across the country think there's a chance to beat him, they'll start giving. So far, support has been steady but not overwhelming. Bielat has raised about $600,000; Frank has pulled in many times that.
Click here to help Retire Barney Frank.
Update: Byron York's column trending on Memeorandum.
Update II: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
Dear Ms. Willis,
Google, "Barney Frank Takes Us for a Ride" or go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=043BL0BwUAc
and tell me via Youtube's comment section what you think. Be sure to pass the link on if you would like to give Mr. Frank a richly deserved retirement.
Posted by: TheAnimatorMan | October 01, 2010 at 11:05 AM
Drudge made Barney Frank impede an est. seventeen attempts by the prior admin. to reform Fannie & Freddie...
...and he wants to blame Drudge for reporting that MA voters are going to oust him?
Perhaps he should call in some defense of his actions...
...is he still dating the board member of Fannie Mae that he used to introduce around town as his spouse ?
Posted by: WisOldMan | October 01, 2010 at 01:50 PM