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« Typical summerish | Main | Dave Weigel commenter: "Black Conservatives are political eunuchs" »

August 03, 2010


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Oh dear, I can relate. In summer, when one is outside to catch any breeze, one doesn't want to be staring at all the neighbors. I'm a fan of birches, love the shimmer and the rustle of the leaves. Wonder if you will notice a big difference in temperature? We lost an ugly old swamp maple at the back of the house a few years ago, and the house has been way hotter since.

Life moves on. The mini tornado that struck York Harbor last month increased our views of the river. Adding both wanted and unwanted. Change is constant. Some for the better and some undesirable.

Such a shame! We have a similar bower in back of our house shading a beautiful area that we are slowly working into an outdoor room under the leaves and branches of a grand maple tree. We love to go out in the evening (properly bug-sprayed, of course) and watch the fireflies.

Glad the he said and she said was short; hope the kissing and making up part was longer and much more fun!

And speaking of Chelsea history, anecdotal or otherwise, I have an opportunity to (possibly) purchase an original Hugh Robertson Chelsea Pottery plate--with a gorgeous carp border rather than rabbits. Hoping the bidding won't go too high, but Agent Mom is at the auction even as I type this. Fingers crossed!

I am told by the Heavy Pruning Community that I don't do enough of it. What a surprise.

(Actually, I've spent $350 this year, although part of that was to get a too-tall yaupon holly off the roof, and the rest was to divert some dying elm branches away from a neighbor's power line. Yes, we still have overhead wiring here.)

Still, I have twelve trees on the lot, and I think I have room for one more.

So sad to hear! Always disturbing when our flora is radically pruned!

Birches are pretty and grow quickly, but they are relatively weak trees prone to damage in heavy storms (esp. snow storms). How about a Japanese Stewartia? Gorgeous multi-colored bark, camellia-like flowers in June, likes full sun or part shade. You can get a multi-stemmed tree for creating your outdoor living room. Kousa dogwood has lovely "architecture," but is more common. Other more multi-stemmed flowering tree possibilities: saucer magnolia, Star magnolia,Persian parrotia, Japanese snowbell. Multi-season interest that way too.

Consider shrubs too, some species of viburnums have heavenly sweet-scented flowers in spring (Vburnam Carlesi or Burkwoodi), as well as berries and fall color. Virburnums grow pretty quickly, they're hardy sorts too. Corliss Brothers in Ipswich has great selection and quality for trees and shrubs. Many possibilities!!

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