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« The Democrats' message? "FU America" | Main | Beautiful kitteh: A palate cleanser »

August 19, 2010


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MIGHT Barney Frank lose? It is an outcome devoutly to be wished! Let's hope that Sean Bielat is not a phony-baloney posing as one thing to gain office, while being something else altogether.

I am becoming increasingly disenchanted with all the candidates of late. The incumbents all need to go and so do a lot of public pundits as well!

Sean Bielet talks the talk as Brown never did. What the country needs in elected office are people who believe and will vote to support the views expressed by Sean.

Oh I shall have to follow on twitter! Now if only we had a contested election out in our neck of the woods and could have a chance to get rid of McGovern. Maybe there is and I've missed it since I've been working so much. But I'm glad to see someone giving Frank a credible challenge! Go Sean! If I could vote for you, I would!

Bielat is dead-on right. Barney Frank hasn't been challenged for his seat since the earth cooled. He's a bloated old hack.

Maybe we could get a $10 Friday thing going for Bielat?

Scott Brown has disappointed but not as much as Coakley would have. At this point, I'd be an ABF voter if I were in MA-4. (Anybody but Frank.)

the only reason barney gets elected is because he is in a gerrymandered voting district. this is something that needs to be addressed by the new congress if we want a government that is responsive to the will of the people. no more i'm guaranteed i'm going to get elected districts.

Tommy McDonnell: Good point!

I understand from a Newton resident -- father of the 14-year-old who did the "Barney Frank Takes Us for a Ride" animation -- that the gerrymandering of District 4 was laid out by Dems just before the election decades ago that first sent Mr. Frank to Washington. Ick. :)

On the topic, you may also be interested in my post "Barney Frank and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.

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