"Tea Party candidate Joe Miller 'credited the support of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for his lead. 'I'm absolutely certain that was pivotal, he said,'" reported the Anchorage Daily News yesterday and this morning, as incumbent Alaska Senator Lisa Murkoswki (above) watched her "sure-win" segue into "possible upset" and now "verge of stunning upset." Read Palin's Facebook endorsement here.
"SissyWillis We're having a Scott Brown sequel! even better :) … 'Historic night,'" twittered WooHooYoo in the first tweet to greet us early morning. Scrolling through our "Favorites" column, we were delighted and enlightened to discover our betters had stayed up all night with their eyes wide open while Sissy slept.
"So what sign did the mainstream media miss about @JoeWMiller and the #AKSEN race that would've given us a hint of this?" twittered Politico reporter Dave Catanese in the wee hours as Ace of Spades HQ called it just after midnight for Palin-endorsed challenger Joe Miller in Alaska's "classic underdog" Republican senatorial primary. A more prudent Dan Riehl, willing to declare only "Miller on Verge of Stunning Upset Over Murkowski, called it for truthiness in the Journolist-weakened legacy media's failure to believe their lying eyes:
@davecatanese no offense, maybe some 2 busy undermining Palin and TP to notice, perhaps? #AKSEN
They see what they want to see. Ace nails it:
Slate: Joe Miller's Embarrassing Defeat …
In fairness, there was some polling showing Miller behind. But … This was an article written to describe what the author wished to happen, and what the intended audience joined him in wishing with all their hearts would happen.
Earlier tonight, someone called The Politico's claim of insurgents (again: by that they meant Tea Party favorites) failing so disastrously a case of spin.
I don't even think it's spin. Spin is when you know you're lying. These guys aren't lying.
They're wish-casting. They are not telling you any sort of objective reasonable assessment of likelihood; they are just telling you what their shriveled black hearts wish would happen.
"The results were a major upset in a race in which Murkowski held large advantages in name recognition and money," reports the WaPo's Chris Cillizza:
Examining the entrails of the twittersphere this morning, we discovered Tammy Bruce had been up all night virtually cavorting with "the boys" — Dan, Ace and Stacy McCain, whose blow-by-blow insider report is a must read — and has the last word on Ace's "wish-casters":Miller had spent less than $200,000 as of early August, compared with more than $1.4 million for Murkowski.
But the "tea party"- backed Miller was boosted by an endorsement from Murkowski's longtime foe, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), as well as a controversial ballot measure, Proposition 2, that would require doctors to inform parents in order for a teenage girl to undergo an abortion. The measure appeared to be turning out conservative-leaning voters in record numbers.
If Murkowski is defeated, she will follow Sens. Bob Bennet (R-Utah) and Arlen Specter (D-Pa.), both of whom were defeated in intraparty battles earlier this year. A Miller win would also be a major boon for Palin, who endorsed four other candidates in Tuesday's primaries, all of whom had won or were on track to win.
You know evil is gonna be in a bad mood tomorrow so we must get some sleep to properly stare it down.
Update: Instalanche! Sorry about that, Professor:
TEA PARTY CANDIDATE beats Murkowski in Alaska. [Oops — ahead, but not beating so far. Sorry — posted this on my first cup of coffee and misread.]
Update II: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Update III: After his second cup the Professor has a fun update:
Jim Treacher twists the knife.
Update IV: Top story on Memeorandum.
Update V: Cubachi links. Be sure to check out outraged kitteh plucked from soccer field.
Update VI: Dave Weigel weighs in.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
May we rise to remain the land of the free.
Posted by: goomp | August 25, 2010 at 10:23 AM
What!? No! This can't be! I'm melting! Melting! Meeeeeeeellllltiiiiiinnnggggg...!
Posted by: Alexandra Gutierrez | August 25, 2010 at 10:47 AM
Don't make me call the flying monkeys! That's what is on the coffee cup on my desk at work (a law firm that defends unions). They have no idea what that coffee cup really means! I love how tunnel visioned and clueless Dems can be!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | August 25, 2010 at 11:42 AM
This would be a clearer signal had Sarah not endorsed McCain who also won. So is it a conservative signal (Miller) or a RINO signal (McCain)? We'll see next year.
It would have been so much better had Sarah made a clean break from the Assistant Democratic Party. (She also endorsed apparent liberal blank slate candidate Carly Fiorina in CA.)
Posted by: Pasadena Phil | August 25, 2010 at 02:17 PM
I agree again with Pasadena Phil...
The desire to push the hype about a liked Celebrity sometimes clouds reality, even counting on a Primary before all the votes are counted.
The Maverick backing is a signal, a vivid signal, we are seeing politics, not genuine Conservative idealism.
Also, this could turn out to be disastrous, just like the Rand Paul offering, if Miller (who sometimes appears questionable in person) turns out to be a very weak General Election candidate.
I am always happy to see Rhinos challenged. No doubt about it. But after receiving so many TODD Palin emails pushing this Alaskan Primary thing, the Celebrity only grows more skeptical in my view. The rhetoric is so thick in fashionable Conservative play, you would think this wasn't the Maverick's VP selection, the number two on the GOP's last ticket. It actually becomes insulting.
Of course, it is great fun, I know this is a huge part of the element, to see Democrats upset with the Palin Family having success.
But I guess I tend to look for more in Conservatism, especially the record or facts.
Mrs. Palin seems to have done well in her backyard, but the HYPE suggests she should have done even better, especially with all the other endorsements around the rest of the Country. But many who are pushing the fashion, never mention the losses or the negative.
Regretfully, this is an old bitter feud, showing some vengeful mannerisms, like McCain held when he voted against the Bush Tax Cuts and dreamed up that disastrous Campaign Finance fiasco after losing the 2000 Primary. I don't feel the Murkowski battle is truly attractive, as it hardly has to do with a Conservative mantra (even though Murkowski is lackluster), but it really seems personal - and thus small in context.
We shall see however. Sarah Palin should be able to be a queen or kind maker in her own State, but there are so many incumbents who are succeeding in Primaries, it is hardly a National movement.
We can only hope, the rest of the Nation empowers the Republican Candidates this Fall however, incumbents or new born politicians. One hopes the work of some will not grow more RINO turned independents, who enable the opposite. That was the huge problem with McCain, as he probably would have pulled a Liebermann, and jumped for his own sake. It is incredible to imagine a former GOP Nominee going INDY, but the is basically what the likes of Liebermann did, as a Democrat VP Candidate of one time.
We shall see, best to keep one's boots firmly planted on the ground, but what do I know?
Posted by: Brooklyn | August 25, 2010 at 03:12 PM
One thing that seems to be overlooked is that Murkowski was originally appointed to the seat by her father and this no doubt has had some lingering ick factor. Alaska is a pretty solid red state, and so a credible primary challenger will go far.
Here in Massachusetts, for most elections, the democrat who wins the primary is the winner of the general. But an uncontested primary just lets the incumbent win. Murkowski is facing her general election right now.
Posted by: MartiniPundit | August 26, 2010 at 01:38 AM
I don't have anywhere near enough time to keep up with elections across the US. It does take time to decide whether a person who is running is worth supporting - no matter what party they belong to... with limited time available, I don't even try to keep up with most candidates when I can't vote for them and if they don't represent any part of my state.
What I like to see is a contested election. When I moved to MA, it was the first time ever that I voted in a general election where the incumbent had no opposition (our current Congressman). That is something I still find unsettling.
So while I have no idea whether Miller would be a good candidate. I like the competition. It's good for democracy.
Posted by: Teresa | August 26, 2010 at 12:39 PM
I hope Martini Pundit is correct, that Miller will be strong. His credentials seem impressive, even though when I see him speak, I tend to wonder.
The thing is, I think the Todd Palin emails seeking funding, started to tint my perception, as I grew weary of the push.
However, I do apologize to the mighty SISU. I was in a rush the other day, and I really should have started off with my honest feelings of CONGRATULATIONS.
I was in a hurry, and offered my usual cynical analysis. The same that opposed McCain so heavily, the same that grew weary of the fashion which began to turn against GW Bush - and foolishly view him as a "traitor", etc.
I am a true skeptic of fashion, and come from the school of WFB and Milton Friedman. I do believe some of Our own Hype and Reactionary Emotive nonsense has cost us dearly.
However, I do celebrate successes of Conservatives. I am truly Happy for Palin Devotees, and admire the passion. I think more can be said for the fine TEA PARTY PROTESTS helping. Of course I think the Palins 'should' of all places, regarding the overwhelming hype, be able to influence someone in the Alaskan backyard.
However, for the mighty SISSY W, and for the Palins, I should have started off by saying "congratulations" on a big showing. Well done. Three cheers.
I hope it all translates big in NOVEMBER. It is exciting, interesting, and must be thrilling for many Palin Loyalists. It certainly makes the Democrats go nutty.
I am still a big skeptic on so much, but perhaps this will give those very misguided Duo in Maine, and even the horrid Graham, a real reevaluation for the future.
Posted by: Brooklyn | August 26, 2010 at 12:48 PM
Lisa Murkowski, go away
Come on back another day
(one that doesn't end in a 'y')
Sorry about the Joe Miller-inspired poetry slam.
Posted by: KingShamus | August 26, 2010 at 02:22 PM