"Fortunately, passionate Americans tend to find each other," writes our North Pole correspondent [!], self-described "Agriculture's Copywriter" Pete Alexion, an Alaskan oner who — like Sarah Palin and ourselves — is not amused with Beltway GOP poobahs' apparent meddling in our 49th state's primary election. Here's Pete's story and his take on purported attempts by the NRSC to throw the people's choice, darkhorse senatorial candidate Joe Miller, under the bus to clear the way for Dear Leader Lisa Murkowski's unimpeded seigneural reign:
A favorite quote among war veterans — "For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know" — can never be explained and is only understood by those who have felt it firsthand.
But once that feeling becomes firmly entrenched in your soul, it becomes a flame that can never be extinguished. Joe Miller and I share that flame.
Like many Americans, I too was somewhat naive about the slow erosion of our Constitutional freedoms and rights. I knew it was happening, but it was difficult to accept. After twenty years in the United States Army Infantry, of which four of those years were in combat and hot zones, I walked away with the erroneous presumptions that I've earned and safeguarded my rights through the fulfillment of honorable service to my country, and it was time for me to enjoy those rights.
"But I was smug and wrong. Most of the previous threats were insignificant, compared to what we now face," says Pete, his thoughts and feelings resonating with our own:
Again, like many Americans, we've become a sleeping giant who has awoken. The members of this giant are willing to sacrifice everything — absolutely everything, including the ultimate sacrifice — to regain our Constitutional rights, just as our Founding Fathers sacrificed. But how do you overcome privileged royalty in a civilized manner? With a belief and the undying passion behind that belief. Although most Americans have the belief, they simply can't muster enough passion. Pity. Fortunately, passionate Americans tend to find each other.
Joe Miller, who is a fellow war veteran, and I met at a gun show, which is fitting, considering our passion in preserving our Second Amendment right. After shaking the man's hand and looking dead in his eyes, I knew he was an honorable man with the right intentions and respect for our Nation. I drew the exact same conclusion the first time I met Sarah Palin. Handshakes and the window to a person's soul can't be faked. I've also met both Frank and Lisa Murkowski, shook their hands and looked into their eyes. I saw and felt absolutely no honor or respect for God and Country. None whatsoever. Unfortunately, all they could convey was their deep seated convictions of being Alaska's royalty.
"You seem to be, or could be, a kind of poster boy for these anti-establishment Republicans who are giving the Republican establishment such a run this year," Face the Nation's Bob Schieffer introduced darkhorse candidate for the "Murkowski Seat" Joe Miller this morning. There are grownups in the room. Listen and enjoy.
"Flash forward to Joe's declaration of candidacy," continues Pete Alexion:
I couldn't bear the thought of him going it alone. In short order, I put my own business on the back burner, accepted the negative cash flow as a necessary evil, and went to work as a full-time, unpaid volunteer for the Joe Miller for U.S. Senate Campaign. It was and still is the right thing to do.
Few thought we could win a primary with the political experience of a volunteer staff that could be crammed into a thimble. But passion is extremely visible. In four short months, a group of rank amateurs took an unheard-of candidate with no money in the war chest from a 100% spread in the polls to neck 'n' neck to a seeming victor in the primary. We made too many mistakes to count, and were often ridiculed for our bumbling and embarrassing errors, but considering our lack of experience, those mistakes, which were highlighted by our liberal opponent and her leftist media, are shadowed by the huge mistake America is currently enduring. Alaskans and all of America started to pay attention.
"Think about that for a moment. We're not professional campaigners and we're promoting an unknown candidate who has never held a political office. Common folk can accomplish anything with the right attitude, belief and passion":
Unfortunately, royalty doesn't accept defeat easily. It's too embarrassing for the privileged class to lose, so the gloves come off at any cost, to include degrading themselves with mud slinging, lawyers who hold a grudge against the common voter, and potential ship jumping. Both candidate and volunteer supporters were not immune to unethical and unfounded attacks. What's worse is that it continues after the polls closed.
As the absentee ballots are counted, we have only speculation on the final outcome and a take-home message to go on. America needs to take a hard look at what the Joe Miller for U.S. Senate Campaign accomplished with few resources. It was a truly grassroots campaign that made her citizens sit up and take notice. Win or lose, the momentum needs to continue.
"War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse," Pete concludes:
A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
Every state in the Union needs to find its own Joe Miller and stand beside him or her, for however long it takes.
"Passionate Americans tend to find each other." We hear you, Pete.
Update: Trending on Memeorandum.
Update II: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Update III: Doug Ross @ Journal links.
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
wow.. I've waited a LONG time to read something like that. Really inspiring and gives me hope that America is going to rise up and shake off her chains.
Posted by: David Wilson | August 29, 2010 at 09:55 PM
Words do not come easily after reading this, but a deep feeling of awe, honor and a sense that the extraordinary in ordinary people will right this country. American Exceptionalism is in the DNA of all who truly love Her. It's truly sad for those who cannot understand this fact. Inspiring piece, Sissy and Pete!
Posted by: WooHooYoo | August 29, 2010 at 10:37 PM
This sounds to me like exactly the person Glenn Beck was reaching out to this weekend -- a good and decent person who knows the value of faith, hope and charity, has a deep and abiding love for country, loyal and true friends, and determined resolve to restore honor to America. Sounds like Mr. Miller will be an excellent member of the U.S. Senate to faithfully and honorably represent Alaska.
Looking forward to the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would say.
Posted by: Terry in GA | August 30, 2010 at 12:12 AM
I have made a solemn vow on my blog that I will not contribute penny one to the RNC but will, instead, contribute to individual candidates of my choosing - Joe Miller for starters!
This is the only way we can smack them upside the head, which they richly deserve.
Posted by: Gayle Miller | August 30, 2010 at 11:51 AM
Murkowski reminds me more of our New England RINOs and was certainly annointed - by her father. I do hope Miller pulls it out and wins to represent the people.
What I find reprehensible is the current fashion amongst Washington pols to run as an "independent" once they've lost a Republican primary. Good God who are they kidding? At the very best they split the electorate and result in a diminished Republican. More likely, they split the vote and see a Democrat elected. What kind of ego does this require? Are they really so wedded to power? And what redress do we as the people have for these whores who sell us out?
In truth, I think that the solution here is greater voter education. If one doesn't know what's going on, one shouldn't vote. Perhaps we'll see better on '10 than we have in the past two cycles. No evidence, but I can dream.
Posted by: MartiniPundit | August 31, 2010 at 01:44 AM
The magnificent Sarah has pulled off another victory - Joe Miller is definitely the winner! The East Coast morons still don't "get it" and I am beginning suspect that they are incapable of understanding that their day is certainly in swift decline - even more swift than I had hoped!
That hopey-changey thing has failed utterly and the damage wrought can and will be corrected in the near term, or at least one would hope so.
Posted by: Gayle Miller | September 01, 2010 at 10:18 AM