New Jersey Sistah Grizzly Cubachi (left) takes no prisoners. Watch out, Harry Reid. "Minority" Republicans are mad as hell, and they're not going to take this anymore.
"Harry Reid can't believe I'm a Hispanic Republican" writes our fiery Latina blog/twitterfriend Cubachi in an important post that's part of a growing chorus of "minority" Republicans who are finding their voice. They're pushing back against Michelle Malkin's "ethnic plantation owners," the demagoging Democrats who would project their own racism onto the tea partiers of all races among us who don't toe the politically correct, identity-politics party line. And they're disintermediating the legacy media via the internet. Cubachi's opening salvo is a challenge to the obscenely arrogant Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's assertion that he "doesn't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican":
Well Harry, let me introduce myself. I am the daughter of Cuban exiles who have seen first hand the failures of liberal and socialist policies in their native country. My father in fact, was a political prisoner in Cuba for five years because the government deemed his speech against repression and dictatorship “hateful and dangerous.” Sort of like what you democrats say about the tea parties, although you have not thrown their members in jail … yet …
My father looked at the platform of the republican party that endorsed small government, lower taxes, and strong defense, while the democrat party embraced Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, murderers and tyrants, as some sort of folk heroes, and endorsed larger governments taking power away from the people.
Although I wasn’t born in Cuba, I witnessed for myself liberals governing the state of New Jersey. I saw the failed policies of former Governors Jim McGreevy and Jon Corzine. Unions ran the show, uncontrolled and limitless spending, massive corruption, and the highest property taxes in the nation. I, as a thinking, tax-paying citizen, can not fathom why I would support democrats that have ran this state to near bankruptcy. Heck, I see it in a larger scale in Washington, DC. Yes Harry Reid, I do think and watch the news.
As a red stater behind enemy lines here in Deepest Blue Taxachusetts, we feel a profound kinship with fellow Americans like Cubachi and other "minorities," including small-government, free-market women of Northern European descent like ourselves, demonized by our "betters" on the left side of the aisle for embracing the Founding Fathers' vision and rejecting the smothering embrace of identity politics and the nanny state. A sampling from recent archives of that rising chorus of "my people" finding their voices:
Cedra Crenshaw, who's fighting the Chicago machine
Herman Cain, whose words "Stay inspired. The people are still in charge" are an inspiration
Other signs of unconventional Republicans finding their authentic American voices:
Pajamas Media's weekly The Minority Report
Juliette Akinyi, aka Baldilocks, "The Herding Series"
GOProud Announces Ann Coulter to Headline Homocon 2010 in New York City
Update: Michelle Malkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Update II: Juliette Akinyi links at
Update III: "SISU has it almost right with the title of her first rate post," writes our friend Da TechGuy:
The truth is they have always had their voices, it is just the MSM has ignored them in the past and continues to do so. The point is they are unable to prevent the general public from finding them due to social media and the internet. The correct title is "A growing chorus of “minority” Republican voices are found by the public."
Crossposted at Cloven Not Crested, Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
Great piece as usual Sissy.
A person who knows what the truth is and says something differently is a liar; Harry Reid is a LIAR!
Did Senator Reid forget that Brian Sandoval is running for Governor in his home state of Nevada? Or that Susana Martinez is running for Gov next door in New Mexico?
Or the many other Hispanic candidates running all over the country? I wrote about them back in June.
Harry Reid, YOU LIE!
Posted by: Brian O'Connor | August 11, 2010 at 04:40 PM
What a patronizing little turd Harry Reid is. I really hope Sharron Angle shows this hacky bigot the exit in November.
How out of touch does Reid have to be in order to make that kind of asinine pronouncement? Is it that he's never met a single Hispanic Republican? Or is it because he thinks a Latin GOPer is somehow not 'legitmate'?
Either way, it's suggests something sorta nasty about the Senate Majority Leader.
Posted by: KingShamus | August 11, 2010 at 07:29 PM
Nothing too insightful but I just wanted to say I really like your blog...
common cents
Posted by: Steve | August 11, 2010 at 09:53 PM
Is there anyone braver these days than a Black Conservative? The Press Club clip with these people refusing to back down in the face of the condescending lamestream press -- truly an inspiration.
If we had just a handful of them here, they could tilt the Commonwealth... well, maybe not red, but purple at least.
Keep on rockin', Sissy!
Posted by: mmgodfrey | August 11, 2010 at 10:26 PM
Harry Reid puts his foot in his mouth so often he has athletes tongue!
And this idiotic bumbler is the most powerful Senator in this great nation? Does anyone but me see the problem with that?
Posted by: Gayle Miller | August 12, 2010 at 12:27 PM
Slightly off topic but
News Alert. Hell has frozen over. Bumper sticker sighted yesterday in Watertown, MA, one of the palest, deep blue communities in deep blue Massachusetts (2008 Obama, 71.7%.) Drum roll ......
Impeach Obama.
Posted by: Carol Ward | August 12, 2010 at 06:04 PM
Very inspirational post and comments. It doesn't matter what race you are--all individuals are capable of thinking for themselves. This is a truth which Democrats like Harry Reid seem to deny out of fear that more and more people of minority status realize they got what it takes to make it in life on their own without government hand-outs.
Posted by: Kara | August 12, 2010 at 08:29 PM