Shirley Sherrod was not only an initiator of the Pigford Farms case, she received a chunk of change for her company, New Communities, Inc. To be accurate, she received the largest chunk of change for New Communities — $13 million. New Communities was a bankrupt commune-type land trust held by Sherrod and her husband. She and her husband personally received $150,000 each to compensate them for “pain and suffering.”
"'Throwing up as many shorter posts as we can' has got to be the best double entendre ever was," we just wrote in the comments to Little Miss Attila's take on Journolist and the difference between liberal and conservative bloggers, the wolf pack vs the solitary grizzly
of our previous post. Delicious food for thought, and it sticks to the
ribs. A few nibbles, and then some thoughts of our own on the loneliness
of the long-distance conservative/libertarian blogger. Over to you, Little Miss:
Bloggers do send each other links. We send them one-on-one, and as group emails to our own customized link-pimp mailing lists (almost all of us small-time bloggers act as our own publicists, and send out emails every day, or week, or month — demanding that Glenn Reynolds, Rush Limbaugh and whomever else look at what we’re writing). And Elizabeth Scalia, Jim Hoft, Ed Morrissey, Allahpundit and Ace all get mail from me, to which they occasionally respond when time permits. But these writers are all too big to have to send out “look at me” emails. And although there are sub-groups of Southern Californians, chick-bloggers, warmongers, Jesus freaks, libertarians, and energy bloggers that I consult with and link to from time to time, most of us really are too busy to coordinate actual “media strategies,” because we generally also have day jobs and/or home obligations, along with the writing of at least one essay a day and throwing up as many shorter posts as we can.
Her anecdotal analysis nicely reinforces our own wolf pack vs. grizzly comparison of wordsmiths of the left and right. As we twittered:
Little Miss Attila really should be twittering.
We've known about the loose cabal of like-minded proselytizers of the left who pass for a truth-seeking Fourth Estate for at least 20 years, witness our "Soylent Green revisited."
NEWS FLASH: This just in from our dauntless Faux Journolista of the right Matt Lewis, "Five Minutes With Andrew Breitbart," an absolute must read from start to finish:
Believe it or not, one of my primary motives on this planet is to stop this racism, and to stop the Democratic Party's use of race that divides us intentionally. Google me and Clarence Thomas. I went from left to right because I watched this tactic happen to him and I aligned myself with black conservatives. Free thinkers recognize the Democratic Party will do or say anything to instill fear into black Democratic voters … Shirley Sherrod in that video said those who disagree with Obamacare are coming from a racist point of view. That is a troubling racist sentiment.
Update: MichelleMalkin "Buzzworthy" link!
Crossposted at Riehl World View and Liberty Pundits.
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