"You hear so much about conservative women leading this conservative movement in this country, and I really believe that conservative women are the most persecuted figures in politics right now," says Dana Loesch in a refreshingly candid Dana Show radio interview — crossposted at BreitbartTV — with "mama grizzly" Cedra Crenshaw. Does the hand that rocks the cradle still rule the world? More about that in a moment, but first a few excerpts from the interview:"I am up against the same machine that put Barack Obama in office. The machine came in, they wiped all of his competitors off the ballot, just like they're trying to do to me," grassroots Illinois state senate candidate Cedra Crenshaw told an Independence Day audience Saturday," drawing her secret weapon: "They can't call me a racist, white, evil man." You can donate to her legal defense fund here.
She's a wife, she's a stay-at-home mom, she's an education reformer, she's an accountant, and she was fed up, and so she threw her hat in the ring.
She has enormous support from the grassroots movement, and she has terrified the Chicago Machine, who is trying to move heaven and earth to get her off the ticket.
The Tea Partiers love her. Listen to the Dana Show interview and her Independence Day speech, and you will understand the smart, common-sense appeal of this authentic American voice. Fellow Illinois Republican Adam Andrzejewski at Big Government has more:
"The mainstream media is completely ignoring you," Loesch notes, "because you defy their narrative of what conservatism is." Crenshaw agrees, but with new-media avenues like the Dana Show itself, Andrew Breitbart's Big Government, fire-breathing bloggers and twitterers and Tea Party energizers, she's been able to disintermediate the media powers-that-be to get her narrative across loud and clear:Why is the machine afraid? Because a new class of leadership is starting to develop. These new leaders threaten to end the shell game of taxes, politics, and patronage. Cedra Crenshaw is one of those new leaders, and she’s is running for state senate against one of the Chicago Machine’s rubber-stamp apparatchiks.
She’s an accountant who wants to spearhead a forensic audit of Illinois state government. A former auditor at Deloitte and Touche, Cedra supports an audit of the half a trillion dollars of Democrat-controlled state spending during the blow-off historic corruption of Blagojevich/Quinn. The Democrat Machine — contractors, politicians, and patronage army — stand in naked fear of the result that such an audit would bring.
People in this state, they want jobs. They want economic growth. They're not interested in more handouts and more promises … My opponent, he's got no solutions except more tax increases.
While uniters like Cedra Crenshaw are pursuing the American Dream, dividers like New Black Panther Party Philadelphia chapter leader "King Samir Shabazz" (at 2009 street festival above) pursue the nightmare part of Myron Magnet's The Dream and the Nightmare: "I hate white people. All of them! Every last iota of a cracker, I hate him! You want freedom? You're going to have to kill some crackers! You're going to have to kill some of their babies." Whatever gets you on the evening news. Shabazz was caught on tape intimidating voters at the polls in November of 2008, but in his infinite and inscrutable wisdom, Attorney General Eric Holder is dropping charges.
Contrasting the public faces of Cedra Crenshaw and King Samir Shabazz, the words of William Blake's The Tyger" come to mind: Did he who made the Lamb make thee? We found a timely interpretation of the riddle in Juliette Akinye's provocative and insightful blogpost "Scarred Souls: More About Abortion" (h/t twitter buddy King Shamus of Blog de KingShamus), where the blogger AKA Baldilocks casts the old-fashioned notion of women as civilizers of men in a contemporary light:
There might be a little preaching. That's an essential part of me. He's a part of me…
All women should stop creating the exterior and — more importantly — the interior conditions under which abortion is an option. And by that I mean that all women should stop giving themselves to men who they are not sure will love, cherish and protect them and any prospective offspring they may create by having sex with each other …
You see, there’s this thing about women, a thing that makes us different from men, aside from the physical aspects. When we lie down with a man, we are giving him more than physical pleasure and doing more than gaining physical pleasure for ourselves.
When a woman has sex with a man, she joins her soul with him [For those of a more scientific bent, it's a matter of chemistry — oxytocin, the "cuddle hormone"] …
Think about all the illegitimate black children there are in America and think about the fact that black women have the highest rate of abortion of any women in America. That statistic says that there are very many black women who are giving themselves to men who don’t care about them.
Here's the kicker that illuminates the disjunct between Cedra Crenshaw's and King Samir Shabazz's American dreams:
And, on top of that, we can take these effects and mirror them onto black men, too many of whom are angry at the world, angry at black women, and angry at themselves (black-on-black crime). That anger almost always stems from observing or experiencing the spiritual, moral and worldly failure of their mothers.
It's the nanny state, stupid! The unintended consequences of the debilitating dependency fostered by those handouts Cedra Crenshaw's supporters want no more of.
Update: Related thoughts and video from Ed Morrissey:
“Mama grizzlies” actually fits better in the Tea Party movement, which I’ve argued is driven in the main by activist women. These are women with families who aren’t focused on what government can do for them, but what government should be doing, period. They’re defending their turf rather than looking for handouts, and defending their children from expansionist government and the massive spending that their children’s children will have to repay. It’s a good brand to stake out for Palin, but she’s been doing that all along with the Tea Party movement (as has Michele Bachmann). This just puts a label on it, and one that sounds much more assertive than “soccer moms” did.
Crossposted at Riehl World View, Cloven Not Crested and Liberty Pundits.
Hey, thank you very much Sissy. I appreciate the hat tip. You're awesome.
Posted by: KingShamus | July 08, 2010 at 03:54 PM
I listen to that video of "King" Samir and I read the transcript but I think what he says is "you're going to have to kill some of THEY babies" not "their".
Posted by: tank | July 08, 2010 at 10:22 PM
lank: LOL. Didn't mean to put words in his mouth. He's got enough nasty stuff in there already.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | July 09, 2010 at 08:06 AM
by "sounding reasonable", Cedra is more insidious than shizzle shazzat whatszisname. Much as Newt Gingrich, Ronnie 666 Reagan, et al sounded "more reasonable" than Fred Phelps, Ann Coulter, or David Duke.
the "I'm not a dead white man" shtick is subterfuge, because her ethnicity truly is irrelevant. Most teabaggers are "white" "house ni**as". all conservative neofeudalism is telling. try seeing through the redwhitenblue glamour.
Posted by: beware of false prophets bearing "the race card" | July 15, 2010 at 01:09 AM