Mel Gibson in "The Patriot" outfoxes the Redcoats. Their mindset hobbled by top-down regimentation, the Brits were no match for the nimble, leaderless rabble in arms, whose bottom-up — aka grassroots — tactics resonate in today's Tea Party movement that has old-think politicians and their media allies scrambling for cover. Speaking of scrambling for cover, old-media holdout Time Magazine put on a happy face and got with the program enough to include our own native son Sen. Scott Brown and Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin in their all-over-the-map list of "The World's Most Influential People." Sarah Palin wrote the blurb for fellow listee Glenn Beck, "an inspiring patriot." So much Time, so little substance.
"Perhaps the clearest evidence for this 'foreigner in our midst' mentality is the name given our resistance — tea parties, an image that instantly invokes the American struggle against George III, a clueless foreign ruler from central casting," writes Robert Weissberg in a pitch-perfect analysis of what's rotten at the core of the Obama presidency. It's not a particular policy nor the substitution of politics for policies in an election year as so brilliantly elucidated by Michael Barone this morning. Instead, it's something unique to the mindset of this president and the people he surrounds himself with, as Weissberg explains:
This history-laden label was hardly predetermined, but it instantly stuck (as did the election of Sen. Scott Brown as "the shot heard around the world" and tea partiers dressing up in colonial-era costumes). Perhaps subconsciously, Obama does remind Americans of when the US was really occupied by a foreign power. A Declaration of Independence passage may still resonate: "HE [George III] has erected a Multitude of new Offices [Czars], and sent hither Swarms of Officers [recently hired IRS agents] to harass our People, and eat out the Substance."
"With 19 days until the May 18 special election in Jack Murtha's former district, the GOP's Tim Burns gains momentum," notes Stacy McCain, who motored out from DC to Johnstown PA to get an exclusive interview with a man he swears "makes Scott Brown look homely by comparison." Click on above image for a rousing video produced by friends of the candidate, with thanks to Angela Lash, our go-to source for all things Burns. Since Sarah Palin's endorsement Monday, the Burns campaign has brought in over $80,000. Please join us in adding your own two-cents' worth to beat the Pelosi machine.
"The suspicion that Obama is an outsider, a figure who really doesn't 'get' America, grew clearer from his initial appointments," Weissberg continues:
But far worse is Obama's tone-deafness about American government. How can any ordinary American, even a traditional liberal, believe that jamming through unpopular, debt-expanding legislation that consumes one-sixth of our GDP, sometimes with sly side-payments and with a thin majority, will eventually be judged legitimate? This is third-world, maximum-leader-style politics. That the legislation was barely understood even by its defenders and vehemently championed by a representative of that typical American city, San Francisco, only exacerbates the strangeness. And now President Obama sides with illegal aliens over the State of Arizona, which seeks to enforce the federal immigration law to protect American citizens from marauding drug gangs and other miscreants streaming in across the Mexican border.
'Course we've been on to the unctuous snake-oil salesmanship of Barack Obama & Company since way back in December of 2006, when he played the race card, in effect calling us a racist for disagreeing with his politics. The media and unwitting members of the electorate were looking for a messiah to lead them out of the desert and didn't seem to notice. They heard what they wanted to hear, and now we are paying the price. As Dan Riehl twittered today commenting on Senator Jim Demint's observation that Obama "thinks Americans are stupid":
Crossposted at Liberty Pundits.Hate to rain on Demint's parade — but, um, aren't they?? I mean, they did elect Obama!
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