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« Scott Brown embroiled in teapot-sized "scandal" | Main | Boston Tea Party Fallout: Retire Barney Frank? »

April 14, 2010


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Have a great day. I can hardly wait for your report of this famous Boston Tea Party.

I know you're in the middle of all the doin's right now. Hope you're having a grand time! I am taking a small break from work to peak in. Wish I could've taken the time off to be there.

I do hope someone turns up in Indian garb, decked out in warpaint,etc.

Be careful what you wish for, willis - it might be Barney Frank!

Sissy, Rush just reported that Boston PD estimated the crowd at 13-16K! It was a great time although the sound system could have been better.

And...the "crashers" we were worried about all turned out to be blindingly obvious and generally well behaved.

Beautiful sunny weather, tons of friendly people of all ages and persuasions, a few kooks from all sides, nothing too weird though. I thoroughly enjoyed one middle-aged woman who was arguing about taxes with one of the long-haired college boys. He had a sign that said he was in favor of taxes and government programs. She asked him if he had a job. He said, no, he was in college and wasn't working. She said, well one day, you're gonna have to work, and you'll have to pay lots of taxes, and you won't like it very much when your tax dollars go to people who don't work. The college boy didn't have much to say at that. Agree with Skeptic, the "crashers" wmade themselves very obvious. I liked the "Gay Loggers for Cutting Down Trees" duo.

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