Sproing! The thought of it set our heart aflutter. As a volunteer gathering email addresses for the GBTP at today's Boston Tea Party on the Common with Sarah Palin, we got to chat briefly but intensively with a multitude of good folks from all walks of life and different ethnic backgrounds, ages and sexual orientation who share with us a love and admiration for this Shining City Upon a Hill and want to save it from the ravages of the international progressivist statist impulse represented by the Obama Machine. The vibrant "new mom" above turned out to be sis-in-law to Barney Frank challenger Sean Bielat, more about whom below.
"Massachusetts is useless anyway," commented Tuck as we painted him a picture of the shining vision before our eyes (see below) in the afterglow of the biggest and best Boston Tea Party ever, with Boston Police estimating a crowd of 13 to 16 thousand! A clueless Politico reported 3 thousand, and an equally fact-challenged Boston Globe "reported" a "corporate, plastic and somewhat forced" feel to the event "with the inclusion of the Tea Party Express":
Perhaps that was due to the poor audio and stage set up where people beyond the media platform could barely hear the keynote speaker, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. It may have something to do with the let's-make-a-buck feel of the event.
Happy Tea Partier stands his ground proudly while infiltrators-lite hold aloft their lame Palin-is-stupid signs taunting "Sarah, can you see Russia from here?"
Doesn't anyone fact check or, like, talk to real people on the ground anymore? Did they ever? While we enjoyed partaking of a couple of delightfully spirited interviews by students from nearby Emerson College, none of the bigshots asked us — or presumably anyone like us — about the "feel of the event." It may have felt phony if you were blinded by the celebrity glare of Sarah Palin, but the real story as usual passed quietly under the legacy media's radar. True, we never did get to really see or hear Sarah because of the "poor audio and stage set up." We would have liked to have seen and heard her, but it didn't really matter. We can catch her speech later on at our convenience online. Instead, bonding and sharing war stories with happy fellow teapartiers — and stepping gingerly through brief exploratory forays with a handful of anti-teaparty grumpuses — was where it was at.
Smarty pants MIT student gets his fact-challenged message across with panache.
Where to go from here? Erick Erickson stepped in it yesterday when he pontificated that it was time for Tea Partiers to get serious and move on, or something like that. Talk about "plastic and somewhat forced." No. Instead, each of us will come according to our own timetable to recognize where to go from here. For us the moment came this morning as we chatted with the woman brandishing the "" sign (top photo). Forget about our useless District 8 Rep Michael Capuano. We've got bigger fish to fry: 4th-District Rep. Barney Frank is in our sights, and Sean Bielat might be just the man to unseat him. Before we decide whether to support the very appealing Mr. Bielat, we'll check out all three Republicans challenging the unspeakably arrogant and destructive Frank, responsible perhaps more than any other one person for the Fannie and Freddie bubbles that precipitated the nation's current economic woes. But the point is, we're going to apply our "Give to strategic small-government candidates, not parties" strategy within our own Commonwealth of Massachusetts, giving time and money to wresting Barney Frank from the Frank People's Seat of Massachusetts 4th Congressional District for the next period of time. This is going to be fun!
Tuck offers his signature to help Republicans mount a challenge to Democrat incumbent.
Addenda: Kudos to blogbuddy Stoutcat for churning out a post-party blogpost tout de suite with an Instalanche tossed in for laughs. Great post and pics!
Gateway Pundit: RADICAL LEFTISTS Ram Their Way Through Boston Tea Party Rally — Attack Protesters (Video).
"A good turnout in traditionally Democrat Massachusetts," reports Fox News correspondent Molly Line.
One final point: We and many others wore our Scott Brown tee shirts or held high our Scott Brown lawn signs with no noticeable tearing of the hair. Our impression is that it's mostly outsiders who don't get Massachusetts politics that were beside themselves in the last period of time over the fact that Scott Brown opted out of today's event.
Update: Politico: "GOP operatives crash the tea party."
Update II: Michelle Malkin's Buzzworthy links.
The press's attitude toward the tea parties is a two-fold blessing. First, it allows the other side to dismiss us as a small crowd of ignorant bigots, which leaves them ignorant of what's coming for them. Simultaneously, it incontrovertibly reveals the press for what they are. Many of us have seen hints of their bias, but never has it been demonstrated in such a stark fashion. Having never been part of the news before, few of us have had a direct opportunity to witness the contrast between their reports and our own personal experience.
Thankfully, we now know we're not alone. We know how to find each other. We see clearly where the roadblocks are and have the means to bypass them. Most importantly, we now clearly understand that we have work to do. And if there's one thing we do well, it's get the job done.
Posted by: BAP | April 15, 2010 at 06:25 AM
The ignorance of history and of what has made the US the most dynamic and prospereous nation is rampant among many of those reporting for the madia.
Posted by: goomp | April 15, 2010 at 08:58 AM
Scott Brown is still cool. I gotta admit I was disappointed, but whatever. If Sissy is still on board Brown's pick-up, I'll take that.
Posted by: KingShamus | April 15, 2010 at 09:38 AM
I was right next to Sarah Palin for the event (stage right) and took some great photos. Here they are:
Posted by: Nathan R. Jessup | April 15, 2010 at 11:59 PM
Great post. Good reporting.
Posted by: Nolanimrod | April 16, 2010 at 06:41 AM
Wonderful post game coverage Sissy! Love your pics (especially the one with Tuck). Sounds like an excellent time was had by all.
Posted by: Teresa | April 16, 2010 at 11:13 AM
Barney Frank is a well known member of the Democratic Socialista of America..This is documented and should be headlined at every event!
These people, plus their leader, Obama, are what's wrong with America and they are destroying it!
Posted by: Be Strong | June 30, 2010 at 11:15 AM