"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance," wrote Thomas Jefferson among the list of grievances presented to King George III in the Declaration of Independance July 4, 1776. The statist unaccountability of President Obama's army of czars comes to mind. We've been getting up close and personal with the Declaration by writing it out in longhand and speaking the words as we read. The National Archives Building, above, houses the Declaration and other founding documents in the Rotunda.
"Wanted to be a senator but doesn't trust the Senate," quips the Tea Party Patriots website in a twitter-worthy capsule of the fragile mental state of our own Rep. Mike Capuano (D-MA), who made an unsuccessful primary bid last year for "The People's Seat" eventually won by Scott Brown. He's a designated "Targeted Congressmen" in tomorrow's People's Surge against Obamacare 2.0, having voted "yes" in the first round but now "leaning no," as TPM reported last week:
After Scott Brown won the Massachusetts special election in his home state, Rep. Mike Capuano (D-MA) sounded pretty fatalistic about health care reform. Nearly two months later, not much has changed.
Ripe for the plucking. We've just dashed off a letter and will e-mail and send copies for overnight delivery to arrive at DC and local offices Tuesday morning:
Dear Congressman Capuano:
I am writing to urge you with all my heart to vote "no" on the looming Health Care bill. I understand that you are leaning that way and urge you to follow through.
My own reasons for objecting to passage of the bill are both substantive and procedural.
Speaking as a small-government Republican active in the Tea Party movement and in the election of Scott Brown to the People's Seat, I have been horrified to watch the Beltway powers that be try to ram through an unwanted Federal takeover of 17% of the economy by any means necessary, the Constitution be damned!
I shall be joining my fellow citizens in a peaceful lobbying effort tomorrow — The People's Surge against Obamacare 2.0 — taking our grievances to the Washington and local offices of targeted Congressmen such as yourself, whose votes will make a difference:
King George III 2.0, meet Declaration of Independence 2.0
Thank you for listening, and Godspeed.
Sissy Willis, Chelsea MA
Tomorrow we'll follow up with phone calls to both offices and join other Greater Boston Tea Partiers with our "Just say no" signs at the regional office of flaming liberal Congressman Ed Markey from 8 to 10 a.m. in nearby Medford.
Come join us there, in your own neck of the woods or Inside the Beltway tomorrow to remind the powers that be that their just powers derive from the consent of "We the people." More info, including carpools and bussing, at FreedomWorks and Tea Party Patriots.
Update: According to Hotline our Rep Capuano is a "Longshot: Yes on reform. No on Stupak."
Update II: "Honk against the Health Care Takeover" at local reps' offices Tuesday noon and other ways you can stand and be heard "if you can't make it to Washington tomorrow."
Rock on, Tea Party People!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | March 16, 2010 at 09:27 AM
The power of TPTB is confusing the electorate on what politicians stand for compared to what they will actually produce. That and only targeting certain members to take part in the election process.
Posted by: George | July 07, 2010 at 08:13 AM