"Did you know that the horse Paul Revere rode on his famous midnight ride was named Brown Beauty?" asks Amy of Amy Kane Online Journal in the comments. "I've decided to take it as a sign. :)" Above, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" by Grant Wood. (Oil on masonite, 1931, Metropolitan Museum) Longfellow's words resonate with irony in today's history-challenged world: "Hardly a man is now alive/ Who remembers that famous day and year."
"While I'm sure there are some hoity-toity Liberals in Mass, the majority of them in my opinion are not what your average Conservative thinks of as Liberals," wrote Miss Tammy in Professor Jacobson's comments at Legal Insurrection the other day, putting her finger on the facts on the ground — missed for the most part by the usual media suspects — that help explain Memeorandum's headline of the day, "Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race." Miss Tammy explains:
These ain't San Francisco, radical, hate-America types. Most of them are workin'-class, decent, hard-working folks, who just happen to have been brought up to hate Republicans on principle.
Honestly, they remind me of the way Southerners used to be. I equated Republicans with the devil as a small child … that all changed as the party got more liberal and most of my relatives voted for Reagan and have voted R ever since … Interestingly enough, not one of them has ever changed their registration to R, though.
These people are our neighbors and colleagues. Take the Board member at last night's Chelsea Planning Board meeting who leaned over to Tuck and whispered, a glint of Irish mischief in his eye, "Who's gonna be the next senator?" then answered his own question:
Brown's going to win! I've been a Democrat all my life, and this one-party thing isn't working out.
"People like that are really conservative," notes Tuck, "Particularly someone like him. Successful. Born in Chelsea. Still lives in Chelsea, by choice." We had a similar exchange earlier in the day with Tony, an electrician who'd been sent to do some work at GOP headquarters in downtown Boston. Waiting for the phone-banking operation to get rolling, we fell to chatting with him, a union man who thinks for himself:
When I was younger I voted with whatever candidate the union was backing [always the Democrat], but as I got older, I started thinking more independently and became aware during the last few years that union leaders don't care about helping the individual, just about helping themselves.
Howie Carr goes for the jugular in today's Boston Herald [via Gateway Pundit]:
It becomes increasingly clear, Scott Brown is winning among the people who work for a living, as opposed to Democrats, who are Martha's voters …
Let’s be clear here, Brown-Coakley is a fight between the working classes and the nonworking classes. If you have a job, if you pay your own way, then you're for Scott Brown. If you're a moonbat, or a hack, or an illegal alien, or if you have a trust fund or are from New York (or most likely both) then you're for Martha.
More tea party spirit in a rousing and insightful call to arms from Karen in the comments to yesterday's post, "I know more Democrats who are voting for this guy than Republicans":
There are a lot of former Democrats over there who are pulling for Scott Brown! It's time we stop thinking in terms of Democrat or Republican and start thinking what's best for our COUNTRY. Political parties are belief systems which can be difficult to escape from once you're brainwashed. They tell you how to think, who to vote for, what is right and what is wrong. These are things that we, as individuals, need to do for ourselves. We have been lulled into this "party line" nonsense by those in charge as a way to keep us fighting among ourselves while they have been free to pillage and ruin our country. We need to admit we've been duped and then GET OVER IT and get to work fixing all that has gone wrong. We are the people and we can do great things together!
The old-boy networks are disintermediating via the internet before our eyes.
Update: Amy Kane reports in the comments:
"The liberals are going! The liberals are going!" - chant at Guiliani rally for Brown in the North End today. "Send Scott Brown to the Senate and let's have Massachusetts send a signal that Massachusetts is once again independent," Giuliani said.
"The liberals are going! The liberals are going!" - chant at Guiliani rally for Brown in the North End today. LINK
"Send Scott Brown to the Senate and let's have Massachusetts send a signal that Massachusetts is once again independent," Giuliani said.
Posted by: Amy | January 15, 2010 at 12:25 PM
OMG. Look at this: Coakley ad uses a stock image to illustrate "Wall Street greed" ... and it's the World Trade Center!
It's at Ben Smith, Politico.
Posted by: Amy | January 15, 2010 at 12:42 PM
Go Scott Brown , we love ya in Vero Beach
Posted by: kent jenkins | January 15, 2010 at 06:44 PM
Sissy, great post! And how wonderful to read you are now a Pajamahadeen Rockstar! [vbg] The recognition is well-deserved. Thanks for all your good work.
@BeesnGuns and I have been working non-stop for Scott Brown, raising the call for support for his campaign across this good country. The response has been wonderful: donations and phone calls all on behalf of your next Senator for the State of Massachusetts from everyone we've contacted.
We've also been working to expose AG Coakley for the party hack that she is. We think the people of your state, and all Americans deserve, better than this business-as-usual candidate.
Well, back to work for me. There's a revolution to attend to out here. [g] Let's put the fear of God and the American voters into them down in DC!
All the best to you, Sissy! See you on Twitter and the web.
Posted by: Aine | January 16, 2010 at 09:20 AM