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January 15, 2010


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"The liberals are going! The liberals are going!" - chant at Guiliani rally for Brown in the North End today. LINK

"Send Scott Brown to the Senate and let's have Massachusetts send a signal that Massachusetts is once again independent," Giuliani said.

OMG. Look at this: Coakley ad uses a stock image to illustrate "Wall Street greed" ... and it's the World Trade Center!

It's at Ben Smith, Politico.

Go Scott Brown , we love ya in Vero Beach

Sissy, great post! And how wonderful to read you are now a Pajamahadeen Rockstar! [vbg] The recognition is well-deserved. Thanks for all your good work.

@BeesnGuns and I have been working non-stop for Scott Brown, raising the call for support for his campaign across this good country. The response has been wonderful: donations and phone calls all on behalf of your next Senator for the State of Massachusetts from everyone we've contacted.

We've also been working to expose AG Coakley for the party hack that she is. We think the people of your state, and all Americans deserve, better than this business-as-usual candidate.

Well, back to work for me. There's a revolution to attend to out here. [g] Let's put the fear of God and the American voters into them down in DC!

All the best to you, Sissy! See you on Twitter and the web.

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