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« Scott Brown disintermediation: The replacement of political parties by internet enthusiasts | Main | Scott Brown election: Massachusetts voters read the tea leaves »

January 23, 2010


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Great points overall, Sissy.

I wouldn't have been nearly as in touch with the Brown campaign without twitter.

Now we must be on the alert to prevent efforts of the we know best class to suppress free use of the peoples media by such means as their calling it hate speech.

It was a confluence of events. A whole host of different threads meeting at just exactly the right time with just exactly the right people.

Twitter, facebook, email, blogging...

An election without a long sitting incumbent, said election taking place at a pivotal time in a political process, a number of very dedicated bloggers working so very hard to make their voices heard... working to spread the word of what is at stake.

I'm not sure it will work in the future, but you all made it work for you this time.

Since this is the time that counts - that is excellent!

Aaargh! Trackback didn't work again!

Grand Rants linked here with The Revolution Will Be Photographed

i have always liked twitter more than any other SNS though it has been hacked sometimes it is really cool.

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