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« "Brown bags it" | Main | Scott Brown disintermediation: The replacement of political parties by internet enthusiasts »

January 20, 2010


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I have never before donated to an out-of-state candidate, and I did it not once, but twice, for Scott Brown, based in good part on your coverage of what he stood for, as much as what he stood against.

I know my little truck bomb for Brown" wasn't a big thing, but it did demonstrate that people outside of the Bay State were also VERY passionate in their support of what Scott Brown offers all of us who are sick to death of the "Hope and Change" mantra that never spelled out just exactly what "hope" or "change" Chicken Little was talking about.

I am energized like never before by ordinary people who've had entirely enough of entitled people deciding how our money is spent.

God bless you, Mr. Jacobson and the rest of the pissed off, disenfranchised, educated, working, put-upon tax base who've had enough of carrying the overly-entitled, underly educated population on our shoulders.

Count me among your many intelligent fans.

American Power tracked-back with, 'Scott Brown's Social Networking Election'.

More excellent kudos for the mighty SISU, with requested articles of substance.

The tech empowerment via these networks is truly interesting and you state it well.

It is always interesting how quickly things change, and this massive teachable moment in MASS, remains a stunner.

Here is another interesting alteration in perception via a Democratic Partisan, first encountered on Mr. Suber's fine blog:
"America Betrayed President Bush"

I won't cut and paste my comment on your PJM piece, but I'll link it.

Omnibus Driver, I too hardly ever donate out of state (or to Democrats), but so far I feel good about the exception I made for Jim Webb.

Great work, Sissy! And congrats on the PJM article, very well done indeed!

Yay! And good for you for your contributions writing and toiling, Sissy! To quote Monty Python, "and there was much rejoicing!" And now my joy would be complete if a certain fearless Great Reader stopped reminding me quite so much of brave, brave, brave Sir Robin (who lacks gumption and honor).

Wonderful job Sissy! Not only with the PJM article, but with all the blogging, tweeting, and fb'ing during the campaign. Hard work once again gets the job done. You go girl!

Sissy. I appreciate this post. You have done a nice job.

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