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« Boston Globe readers agree with Scott Brown! | Main | "It's a Brown-out!" »

January 14, 2010


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Some people like phone calls, others hate them. I don't know that a phone call will really change how someone votes... but then again people always do things I don't expect.

I've had at least 4 calls where there was a message left on my machine and another 2 I've picked up and answered but that seems to be the same with every election. Heck I even get calls from the Illinois Republicans wanting me to vote for them! So I just accept them as a fact of elections.

What I have really been interested in seeing and what I was blogging today... The political yard signs or lack thereof. Very interesting and maybe telling... we'll see on the 19th.

Door to door (personal contact) is the most effective way to get votes. Hopefully, done by the candidate (Start early and hit ten houses in every precinct initially).

But, different people respond to different approaches, so one tries as many different methods as one can afford in time, money and volunteers. Signs, phone calls, little get-togethers, billboards, mailings, commuter stops, emails, etc.

Nothing works 100% with everyone.

But to repeat, take the time and effort to meet people personally -- they appreciate it.

I have seen no mention of it since the campaign (and aren't elected Dems glad of that) but what do you suppose happened to those million and millions of Dems for McCain/Palin voters?

They didn't get swallowed up by the earth and they (we, i'm one of them) most certain;y DID NOT go back across the line to the Democratic party. We crossed over before the election and we never crossed back. Many of us have made donations to Brown and will vote for him.

Speaking of history, did you know that the horse Paul Revere rode on his famous midnight ride was named Brown Beauty? I've decided to take it as a sign. :)

You should check out http://hillbuzz.org. There are a lot of former Democrats over there who are pulling for Scott Brown!

It's time we stop thinking in terms of Democrat or Republican and start thinking what's best for our COUNTRY. Political parties are belief systems which can be difficult to escape from once you're brainwashed. They tell you how to think, who to vote for, what is right and what is wrong. These are things that we, as individuals, need to do for ourselves. We have been lulled into this "party line" nonsense by those in charge as a way to keep us fighting among ourselves while they have been free to pillage and ruin our country. We need to admit we've been duped and then GET OVER IT and get to work fixing all that has gone wrong. We are the people and we can do great things together!

In deciding who to vote for it's really as easy as ABCD (Anybody But a Chicago-style Democrat). Good Luck Mr.Brown our hopes,and prayers for True Change are with you!!!

I'm one of those democrats. I do not see eye to eye with Brown on a lot of things. But I have no problem shaking hands and breaking bread with him before I vote for him now, and also before and after I vote against him in 2012. Can't say the same for Coakley.

I don't understand it folks, plz explain how the messiah is better than the dummy bush? The messiah has tripled the budget in 1 year on the job...how is that better than the dummy bush?

They didn't get swallowed up by the earth and they (we, i'm one of them) most certainly DID NOT go back across the line to the Democratic party. We crossed over before the election and we never crossed back. Many of us have made donations to Brown and will vote for him. http://www.hotfilemediafire.com

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