"Chris Dodd as a Tea-Party Success Story," Kathryn Jean Lopez's latest at The Corner. Didn't we just SAY? Guess she doesn't follow our blog. Better late than never, we suppose:
That's what Peter Wolfgang, executive director of the Family Institute of Connecticut, argues. He tells me: "Dodd was forced out by the Left because he was a sure loser. But he was a sure loser because the people of Connecticut finally held a high-ranking member of the majority party responsible for his misdeeds. And that was only because of the work of grassroots activists who relentlessly shined a light on Dodd's failures. The conservative movement in general and the Tea Party movement in particular should take a bow. Regardless of whatever may happen next in the race for Connecticut's Senate seat, today they slew a giant."
We thought she'd never ask.
Chris Dodd may actually be heading up a very important constitutional amendment. The supreme court just allowed unlimited corporate funding of campaign contributions. Dodd is trying to stop this by amending the constitution. It seems to me that this could be of immeasurable importance. Unless we want elections to turn into a type of superbowl of corporate advertisements, this new ruling by the supreme court must be stopped.
Posted by: Ben | February 18, 2010 at 04:30 PM