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December 07, 2009


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The wonderful memories of our life with Mummie still guide us and comfort us as we live.

A wonderful post, I remember it well.


My wonderful mother, Irene Savko Miller, died over 33 years ago and I still miss her every day of my life. She was a complex, outrageous, intelligent and beautiful woman and life with Mom was never dull. She was my best friend and we fought like crazy and loved each other in the same way. So yes, I understand your feelings Sissy and Goomp. I share them in my own way and frequently ask myself "what would she do?" when faced with a tough decision. Her humor and strength coupled with her brilliance and erudition illuminated every dark corner of my life until I was 32 years old - then she was gone. I am now, heaven help me, 9 years older than was my beloved mother at the time of her death. Seems incomprehensible to me. Where did the time go?

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