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October 04, 2009


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The dictatorial relativist Left represent the ignorant elites. They know more than most people they meet about the field in which they work but less of the real world than the people they deride.

Sissy-- FWIW, Ignatius Press has a storybook for children called Joseph and Chico: The Life of Benedict XVI as Told by a Cat-- the "author" is the Pope's pet cat Chico (with a little help from the species with opposable thumbs).

"Dear Children, here you will find a biography that is different than others because it is told by a cat and it is not every day a cat can consider the Holy Father his friend and sit down to write his life story," the Pope's personal secretary, Monsignor Georg Ganswein, says in the foreword.

The book has its own website with illustrations from the book along with photos of the real Chico (a handsome marmalade fellow) and one of the press's employees with her cat.

Perhaps Chico can learn to Twitter?

Sissy, you're more Catholic than I am! Thanks for the reminder about St. Francis of Assisi and our beloved Papa Ratzi. He doesn't seem to be in the media spotlight as much as he was a year or two ago. Although Benedict XVI celebrated an outdoor Mass before a huge crowd (150,000 people?) in the Czech Republic last week. He went there for 3 days to celebrate the fall of communism 20 years ago. Did Obama even say anything about that??

I celebrated yesterday by spoiling Sam the Wonder Cat even MORE rotten than usual. That is to say, I permitted him to spend an entire afternoon on my lap! He was ecstatic. Then he did a typically Sam thing when Sis Linda came over to visit for a few minutes. He spent the entire time she was there rubbing against her ankles and purring but would not permit HER to pet HIM.

Who can figure cats?

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