It's the authenticity, stupid! All over the right side of the blogosphere and the twittersphere the pictures tell the story. Heartfelt, life-affirming homemade signs created con brio by "we the people" [us the people?], above, vs top-down, bloodless party-line signs of Obamabots, below. (Images from The American Spectator's "Grassroots vs. Astroturf.")
Whom are you going to believe? Obama's henchmen or your eyes? "It's one size fits all," Ralph Reed is telling a Fox News anchor this morning, putting his finger on the essence of Obamacare.
We had a Eureka Moment when we realized the affectless, top-down graphics of the "Health Care for America Now!" signs (above) are the precise visual equivalent of the statist's astroturf vision. Even as the we-know-best-what's-good-for-you, central-planning Utopianists and their fellow travelers in the media project their own top-down, Alinskyesque tactics upon us, Adam Smith's Invisible Hand is scrawling our grassroots messages upon a shining sea of one-of-a-kind protest signs. Check out our own efforts from Tea Parties past here, here, here, here and here. The Tenth Amendment lives:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.
President Obama wants those who disagree with him to "stop talking" and "get out of the way." Begging your pardon, sir, but getting "out of the way" is not the America Way.
Update: This just in from Larry Gupta of the Newburport (MA) Republicans:
Portsmouth, NH Obama Town Hall at High School 1 p.m.Tuesday, August 11. Sold out, but join us for protest rally outside when doors open 11 a.m.
Our "JUST SAY NO" signs are hot to go!
Update: Maggie's Links: "Sissy gets it. Of course she does."
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