Show 'em a little ankle and leave 'em laughing, begging for more. Sarah Palin's girly strategery is leaving political adversaries inside the Beltway and their media fellow travelers reeling. They never did get her. Above, a frame from today's Day by Day cartoon, "Waiting for GOP."
ABC White House reporter and twitterer extraordinaire Jake Tapper's Sunday Roundtable of talking heads was inclined to disagree with Tapper's father-in-law, but we think the old man's onto something:
Sarah Palin is “a genius controlling the world from her FaceBook page.”
She throws the "death panel" bomb, the commentariat explodes and lawmakers retreat:
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, one of six lawmakers negotiating on a Senate bill, said Thursday they had dropped end-of-life provisions from consideration "entirely because of the way they could be misinterpreted and implemented incorrectly."
Friday she threw a "pubic option" bomb, and today the Con Man in Chief claims to be backing off, but the Professor is not impressed:
RETREAT? White House Appears Ready To Drop “Public Option.” I suspect it’s a Parthian retreat ["a feigned retreat, luring the enemy into a prepared counterattack. See, e.g., Crassus." Thanks for the new word, Professor Reynolds!].
On the other hand, you've got a real marketing problem when your own people are having to publicly pledge not to kill old people.
"This is no 'retreat,'" emails Robert Bidinotto:
The co-op arrangement is simply the public option by another name, and by a more circuitous, stealthy route — with the same ultimate objective: nationalized healthcare.
Stealth is the very essence of Obama & Company's modus operandi, and we've known it in our gut since that day way back in December of 2006 when bouncing baby candidate Barack Obama sprung onto the national stage full blown from Oprah's brow:
"Obviously it is flattering to get a lot of attention, but I must say it is baffling, particularly to my wife,” Obama quipped.
We cringed at the disingenuousness, but it was when he called us a racist that our heart turned to stone:
Are some voters not going to vote for me because I’m African-American? Those are the same voters who probably wouldn’t vote for me because of my politics.
The silver lining of this dark cloud is our fellow citizens' resounding rejection of the president's ill-concealed contempt for the Shining City Upon a Hill. As we wrote awhile back, "I am tea party woman, hear me roar!"
Update: Cross posted at Amba's Cloven not Crested.
Slowly but surely the American people are coming to realize it is time for a change. A change from big government engineered by corrupt politicians.
Posted by: goomp | August 16, 2009 at 07:05 PM
Sarah discussing the "pubic option"?
I knew she was hot, but, wow!
Posted by: Elisson | August 20, 2009 at 01:08 PM
Elisson - you're a scamp!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | August 20, 2009 at 03:22 PM