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« Foxy ladies | Main | How can we ignore the cats next door? »

July 28, 2009


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Let us hope that right shall make might and that we shall see an end to the evils perpetrated by the community organizers.

2010 is getting closer all the time. Those who genuinely care about containing this aberrant nitwit occupying the Oval Office until we can make him a 1-hit wonder in 2012, must rise up and elect people with genuine spines to the Congress, thus removing Zero's enablers - Pelosi and Reid - from power!

Gayle: You're right; 2010 is literally just around the corner. I sure hope we've got a bunch of strong candidates to put up against those Congressional jellyfish up for re-election.

Sissy: Don't fret. The City Upon a Hill will shine as long as there is even one good person who will (to solidly mix metaphors) not hide his/her candle under a bushel.

I refuse to let Politics spoil my mood.
Gotta love it when Sis puts a face on her food!

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