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July 29, 2009


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There's nothing quite so lavishly luxurious-looking as a relaxed cat.

Oh look at that face of the first one... he/she sooo wants to mix it up with the other kitties. LOL. Of course "mix it up" could mean many things in the kitty world. ;-)

Sweet little face on that kitty - but nothing to compare with the beauteous Tiny girl! She is so comfy! Sam the Wonder Cat is looking better every day and has seemingly recovered entirely from his seizure of Saturday night which frightened both of us mightily! I am truly grateful that my sister knew to tell me to give him something really sweet - maple syrup did the trick from the excess of insulin in his little system!

Come to get the lastest cat news.

Looks like the first one is saying "take me at home, please"

oh, dear.
I love cats.

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