"Savoring the revealing contrast between Drake's seafaring 'reach for the stars' vision and Michelle Obama's landlocked 'audacity of whining,'" we wrote last May in "Because we sailed too close to the shore," a post about the Obamas' soft bigotry of low expectations, illustrated by this image of the heart of a grapefruit revealed by the early morning light.
"It's mute or bricks, and TV replacement costs are high," ribtwitters Michael Hazenstab, a fellow Con-Man Aversion Derangement Syndrome (CADS) sufferer who shares our uncontrollable impulse to click on the mute button whenever the Leader of the Free World appears on TV. President Obama's "soaring rhetoric" may cause acolytes to feel a "thrill" going up their legs, but it leaves CADS victims heaving. We stumbled into a previously unknown "community" of persons living with CADS in the comments to Dan Riehl's post "You couldn't say this," where he observes:
Victor Davis Hanson is on the same wavelength with his must-read "Just Make Stuff Up":
Enter, stage right, the CADS samizdat communicating sub rosa in the Riehl World View comments. Commenter JAL speaks for us all:
Amazing. I, too, thought I was the only one who hit mute or changed the news on the radio when I saw or heard President Obama come on.
Think some Tea Party signs to the effect of "Mute the President" might spread the word?
Careful what you commit to print, though. Big Guy may be watching.
It won't be long now. Obie will have the Congress pass a law that any criticism of or sarcasim about his administration or its personnel will be hate speech and punishable by law.
Posted by: goomp | June 13, 2009 at 02:37 PM
CADS! I love that!
Posted by: Joan of Argghh! | June 13, 2009 at 06:32 PM
Hahaha! I, too, am a CAD and proud of it. Not only do I disagree with just about everything that comes out of Obama's mouth, I relate his oratory to fingernails on a chalkboard. He has a very irritating cadence to my ears.
Posted by: Jen06 | June 13, 2009 at 09:09 PM
I was watching a favorite TV show last night and I heard this narrator on a commercial for health care reform. The (longish) hair on the back of my neck started to rise in protest and sure enough it was the Huckster in Chief, blathering about his new boondoggle! Pfui!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | June 16, 2009 at 10:46 AM