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May 15, 2009


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We ninety year olds don't have a clue. Ha! HA!

The hash tag allows you to search for specific threads in twitter that people have added to. So everyone getting in on a certain "conversation" adds that hash and others looking for it, can see it and possibly respond.

If you see a hash tag on a tweet and type it in the search box on the right sidebar of your twitter page - all tweets with that hash will show up. Under the search box on your twitter home page, you'll see a list of the top ten searched items - most of which are hashed.

Don't know how it's done in tweet deck, but I would guess there is a way.

The thing is - how do you find what hash tags are being used? And if you start a new tag, will others use it too... guess it depends on how influential one is in the twitterverse.

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