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« It's no laughing matter | Main | Carrie Prejean Trumps "Party of No" »

May 12, 2009


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I am all in favor of "tweeting" pols if it is genuine, but knowing how most of them say what they think voters want to hear, I am doubtful if many can be trusted.

I wonder what Tiny thinks of a form of human communication named after bird sounds. Perhaps that's why she looks so pensive.

Hi, Sissy. Thou shalt not covet thy blogging friends' gorgeous cats, even if thine own prosaic American shorthair felines are to thy friends' felines as French's mustard is to Dijon....another lovely shot of a beautiful animal.

Have been mulling over the stuff on how few Republican women there are on the Hill, but so far prolex and convoluted, will let you know if I post anything.

Dear S: Most perceptive beasts, the ME Coon Cats. My family had two, half-siblings, who were great comfort to my father in his dying days. Now the house is run by Rene, he's a retired sire-cat. OK, I'll go Kate Smith on you:
'God Bless the Chelsea Greys
cats that I love
stand beside Siss
and guide Siss
with a tail swish and ear twitch above
From the whiskers, to the toe pads,
to the claws that do not roam,
God Bless the Chelsea Greys and their home sweet Home,
Bless too their human friends,
and home sweet Home!'
I get carried away sometimes... like muffins on the counter, and no-one around... Best, GFT

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