"Cook a little, tweet a little! Cook a little, tweet a little! TWEET TWEET TWEET! Cook a lot, tweet a little more!" tweets the divine Miss Amba of Ambiance, echoing Alma in The Music Man's "Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little" (screen shot above), in our favoritest ever twitter response. It started with The Anchoress's what-hath-Twitter-wrought tweet, the plaint of all bloggers transitioning to the new "thang," from Karl Rove's "I must have a productive wk—which means less Twitter!" on down (or up):
"Cooking and twittering are a good mix. You needn't sacrifice one for the other," we twittered back. This is way fun. I'll have another serving, please.
i have intentionally avoided it.
it reminds me of day long ago, of visiting message boards with political debate, which turned into real time discussions.
not certain it was nothing but a waste of time, except it was fun.
besides, i think all i would twitter, every three or four minutes, would be a consistent thought...
"wow, we really need to remove the Democratic Party majority in the Senate and the House this 2010..."
then i might mention the big problem of removing this disaster for a President, but who wants to see, "we really have to elect someone else in 2012 for the Presidency" every 10 minutes on a tweeting account?
Posted by: HNAV | May 21, 2009 at 12:41 AM