"How much do we love Cheney? Thiiiiis much!" twittered blog buddy Stoutcat of Grand Rants amidst the cacophony of 140-or-fewer-character sound bites that filled the twittersphere with song yesterday. (Unattributed photo from All American Patriots)
"Cheney has emerged as the ultimate antidote to Obama," Fox News VP Bill Sammon told Laura Ingraham last night. We caught the quotable quote — together with C-Span reruns of our Dick's dulcet discourse on the Bush Administration's pro-active response to terrorism yesterday at the American Enterprise Institute (full text and video), together with toe-curling snippets of Mayor Shinn's President Obama's bloviating, finger-pointing presponse staged at the National Archives against a blow-up of the US Constitution [A blow-up of the US Constitution? How apt. –ed] — in the wee hours this morning. Here's Bill:
While the usual suspects continue to feel a "thrill going up [their] leg" at the sound of their master's voice, others — like the Telegraph's James Delingpole, smitten at first with Barack Obama's "measured, steady voice with its pleasant but authoritative timbre" — are beginning to see the light:
Never mind the bizarre reputation Obama has acquired as a great public speaker: his speeches are fast beginning to sound almost as excruciating as anything in his predecessor's "enhanced interrogation program" …
Now, it's becoming clear that this carefully worked, glacial poise is all there is to Obama. He's just a hollow man spouting empty rhetoric [Better late than never. We've been onto the "Purple prose that is Obama's presidency" for some time now].
Compare and contrast the flatulent pomposity [The fellow DOES have a way with words!] of Obama's speech with Cheney's angry, from-the-heart, tell-it-like-it-is reposte.
Spooked by the ring of truth behind Dick Cheney's words, President Obama is quietly slipping into "Bush clothing," as Charles Krauthammer explains:
"Not to be picky, NYT, but O's speech was prebuttal to Cheney's since Dick's was sched. 1st and O's sched. to step on it," Mary Katherine Ham chided the "Paper of Record" yesterday. Indeed, Obama may have scheduled his anti-terrorism anti-man-caused-disaster speech to step on "my Dick's" message, but, as we twittered back to mkhammer, "Instead, O stepped IN it."
Update: Blog pal Stoutcat links with Mary Cheney's dad's totally awesome surprise appearance at CPAC 2010:
Handsome, direct, smart, succinct, conservative: What's not to love?
Big time!
Heh, even the European press was getting tired of him by the time his Obamapalooza trip to the EU was winding down, and that was a while ago.
"But his long stay means that we are hearing rather a lot from him, way too much in fact."
Guess it takes some 'Murricans longer to realize they've been had.
Posted by: Stoutcat | May 22, 2009 at 03:09 PM
And actually, this was the storyline conservatives were longing to hear throughout the Bush presidency. Why oh why was it so long in coming?
Posted by: Stoutcat | May 22, 2009 at 03:15 PM
Who can blame Obie? He only says what the dumb clucks of MSM want to hear. His understanding of the necessity of free enterprise for a successful ecomony is absent as it is for most of the liberal establishment. If one is ignorant enough to believe him and vote for him tough luck.
Posted by: goomp | May 22, 2009 at 03:49 PM
Love Cheney. Wish he'd run for office. POTUS, maybe. ;-)
Posted by: pam | May 22, 2009 at 07:54 PM
Love Cheney - he's extremely sexy because of his awesome intelligence and serious focus, combined with a great sense of humor. In order to deal with those pinheads in the MSM, you need a sense of humor!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | June 01, 2009 at 04:34 PM
Grand Rants tracked back with Liz Cheney's Arm-Candy Surprise
Posted by: Stoutcat | February 18, 2010 at 03:42 PM
Stoutcat: I love your post. Thanks for the link. Your title is to die for!
Posted by: Sissy Willis | February 18, 2010 at 07:03 PM