"Back when I was a semi-card-carrying leftie, we used to spend a lot of time speculating who was the agent provocateur — read: FBI agent — at the demonstration," writes Roger L. Simon with the special insight of one who's been mugged by reality and lived to tell the tale:
Usually we thought he was the most extreme character, the guy most obviously shredding his draft card in full view of the media while tossing a cherry bomb at an American flag already heavily doused in kerosene, maybe adding a little defecation into the mix. The theory was the more “out there” the acts, the more likely the motive was to discredit our “righteous” cause …
"But times have changed and for once the formerly quiescent right is gearing up to demonstrate on April 15," continues Roger:
The left has not had to deal with something like this in recent years. Fuddy-duddy as they and their ideology may be, they have had the demo scene pretty much to themselves for decades. An element of distress (envy? nerves?) is in the air. According to Newsbusters, derived from the Cavuto Show and other sources, in a startling role reversal, ACORN and the Huffington Post are planning to infiltrate the Tea Parties …
The HuffPo is planning, like PJTV and Pajamas Media, to send citizen reporters. If that’s true, more power to them … But if they intend to participate and shape events while hiding their identities, well, that’s another matter.
Like the Tea Party Movement's fiery first-among-equals standard bearer Michelle Malkin, we're a bit more skeptical than old Roger when it comes to motives and methods of our fellow Americans on the left side of the aisle. A few tasty excerpts from her latest rant, guaranteed to make you even "madder than hell:
You can already guess how the national media will treat the two competing demonstrations. Tens of thousands of tax revolters = radio silence. A few dozen ACORN/ANSWER stragglers in front of any given bank = front page news.
No matter.
Get out there. Mobilize. Put your local and state officials and your members of Congress on notice.
They’re your true audience [In our own case, a rogue's gallery including not only 8th District Rep Michael A. Capuano but also 4th District Rep Barney Frank and Senators Teddy Kennedy and John F. Kerry]. Not the MSM.
As another Beltway pol from Massachusetts, former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill famously observed, "All politics is local." In that spirit, we repeat, "Capuano has to go!"
Update: "Tiny should organize a Catnip Tea Party for conservative blogcats and their humans," writes Connecticut Yankee in the comments. What a delightful idea. We'll float the notion before her and she if she goes for it.
Update II: Maggie's links:
More on how the Left is bewildered and upset by the Tea Parties. Remind me - how much money did ACORN get from the "stimulus"? Was it $5 billion? ACORN is a government-supported radical political organization. We hope the Tea Party movement has legs.
Update III: Professor Reynolds makes us GLADDER than hell!
Update IV: Tired of being mad? Head on over to Modulator's Friday Ark #238, where all things bright and beautiful are now boarding.
I'm planning on being there to take photos and video (I hope!). I'll watch out for your Capuano sign. :-)
Posted by: Stoutcat | April 08, 2009 at 01:47 PM
Therein lies a problem. The MSM will paint the picture of the Tea Party many people will see.
Posted by: goomp | April 08, 2009 at 03:11 PM
Tiny should organize a Catnip Tea Party for conservative blogcats and their humans.
Posted by: Connecticut Yankee | April 08, 2009 at 06:35 PM
"Anti-tea party" so they're protesting FOR higher taxes.
Uh... okay... I must have missed something significant. Let me ponder this again: Demonstrating to have government take more taxes from your paycheck...
Nope. I'm just not getting it.
Sadly, I don't know if I'll get to go to the tea party. (I'd love to be there to take pictures *sigh*) Depends on work. This week has been pretty bad unfortunately and next is not looking all that great. *sigh* (small company, one person out with very sick mother equals no time for me)
That's what I get for being one of the diligent workers of the world. No time and soon no money either.
Posted by: Teresa | April 09, 2009 at 02:02 PM
Sign up Pixie and Diva and me for the Catnip Tea Party! (Gillie the corgi would love to come and is remarkably cat-friendly, but understands that other cats may not understand. She is going to the Dallas Tea Party wearing the sign, "They taxed my tail off!")
Posted by: Oh, bother | April 09, 2009 at 07:50 PM
Let me ponder this again: Demonstrating to have government take more taxes from your paycheck...
Nope. I'm just not getting it.
Oh, that part is easy. They're demonstrating to take more taxes from your paycheck, not their own. If there's one thing we've learned since TOTUS took office, it's that the people who yell the loudest for higher taxes don't actually pay them.
Posted by: tsotha | April 09, 2009 at 09:16 PM
How about moving the tea parties to the front steps of the local media outlets? They needn't always be at the foot of the local hero bronze pigeon roost.
Posted by: R. C. Kip | April 09, 2009 at 09:34 PM
Liberals are emotional; their brains are broken. Logic won't persuade them. They still bash BUSH and defend marxism on display like it's patriotic.
TAKE AWAY THEIR MEGAPHONE. Cancel ALL print media and cable TV until the 2010 election is over.
Attend your local city and town hall meetings. FORCE them to pay as you go - stop taking State and Federal money. Don't start projects that can't be funded locally.
HOLD A TEA PARTY IN YOUR TOWN OR CITY. Contact Americans for Prosperity or Young Republicans on your local university campus for help.
Ignore brainless emoticons on this or any other blog.
Posted by: vigilant | April 09, 2009 at 11:59 PM
I'm not too worried about the MSM distorting the message of the tea parties. A thin reed is easily bent, and when push comes to shove, I doubt if those in the MSM audience will stand up to fight for other people's principles.
Posted by: Pink Pig | April 10, 2009 at 12:34 AM
There are a lot of these fools that need to become unemployed! Our founding fathers never ever saw the position of Congressional Representative or Senator as a fulltime position - but rather as something that you did as a service to your nation - not as a LIVING.
Good argument for term limits for sure!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | April 10, 2009 at 01:23 PM
Can't you see that ACORN is, "too big to fail".
If it works for AIG, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs (but not Lehman Brothers), why shouldn't it work for ACORN?
Press Release:
AP, Washington, DC
The Obama administration, in their stimulus bill, has appropriated $10 billion for ACORN.
Press Secretary Gibbs explains, "The liberal advocacy group ACORN, has been deemed by our economic advisors, as "too big to fail". If ACORN does not receive a significant infusion of government stimulus funding they will be unable to meet their future obligations to commit voter registration fraud on behalf of the Democratic Party, to stimulate Democrats to illegally cast votes on behalf of their deceased spouses, and to attempt to commit election fraud at an unprecedented level.
Posted by: An Average American | April 10, 2009 at 08:06 PM