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« Tiny performs Meowzart | Main | "My feelings about his loss are still more or less frozen in amber" »

March 07, 2009


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A happy face to end the morning's frustration.

Love the one with the catnip mouse. Displaced, indeed....Language from one realm appropriate in this one! :) Or is she just a helpless addict like my felines, and do we just enable it? I'm starting catnip seeds today, but the difficulty is keeping the seedlings from the cats, and getting the plants started before they eat them up. Usually, planting several pre-started catnip plants from the nursery under cages til a foot high gives them enough of a head start from mine and the neighbors' catnip druggies...

Yet another series of incomparable Kitty-Photographs from the incomparable Sissy Willis. (sigh...)

Yes, incomparable. Wonderful as always, Tiny is absolutely delightful.

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