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« "If you can keep it" | Main | We are all anti-statists now »

March 28, 2009


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Beautiful report!

The USA land of free expression. Long may it last.

Sissy, great to meet you! My post is up: Newburyport Tea Party.

Good for you! Great pictures! I plan to attend the April 15th Tea Party protest here in town.

You know what they say: Use it or lose it! Let's exercise the First Amendment...!

We had thought about coming out, but I was fighting a migraine and so it would not have been a good idea (story of most of my life it seems). Looks like you all had great fun though!

Dear lady,

Very good pictures and thank you for your spirit and dedication. You are stuck, as am I, in a solid blue state but do not fret because there is a seething undercurrent of resentment for what our government is attempting to do (and for the incompetence that it exhibits in trying to do it).

As I commented over on PJM, it took me 45 minutes to gain entrance to a local sportsman's gun show in Costa Mesa, California. I shuffled to the entrance with *thousands* of others whose main purpose was to stock up on ammunition. (I just wanted to "see the sights".) Throughout the throng there were animated conversations about what the Sock-Puppet-of-the-United States (SPOTUS) was attempting to do.

Similar conversations arise all over California (I was at a USAF Auxiliary eval exercise in Bakersfield two weekends ago; similar anger) and it is spreading fast.

Sadly, if only the GOP could tap into this anger and channel it as a reflection of the will of the people maybe we can have our way in 2010 and put an end to this madness.

..if only..

Daisy is one beautiful feline. She likes to pose for pictures, as does the exquisite Tiny. I'm sitting here looking at a beautiful Murano glass cat brought back from Venice by my boss who was there on vacation. My glass kitty has a goldfish in its tummy. Very thoughtful gift from a very thoughtful and kind man!

Jeezus...you people are so f*cking ignorant and full of crap. PAthetic.

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