"They are like bookends. They will give you many years of pleasure," a veterinarian's assistant said long ago in the flush of Tiny and Baby's kittenhood.
And so they did give us lifetimes of pleasure with their breathtaking physical beauty, their personal integrity and earnestness, their embodiment of our favorite words of Henry David Thoreau:
A vivid dream about the Babe last night. He was in our loving arms prancing and petting and purring. Tuck was there, too, and we spoke to him, saying we knew it couldn't be, but even so we gave ourselves in to the flood of happiness.
With bookends we were blessed.
Not just bookends-- Baby and Tiny wrote the book on feline/human companionship. And you and Tuck are blessed still.
Posted by: Connecticut Yankee | February 12, 2009 at 01:52 AM
I, too, have dreams of my beloved lost pets, and give in every time.
Those moments are just as real as past moments with them, and gone too soon, just the same.
Enjoy them.
Posted by: pb | February 12, 2009 at 09:05 AM
With those two beautiful "kids" we were all blessed. Baby is still my background on the home computer and Tiny, precious girl, is still with you and Tuck to give you comfort and solace.
From me, and from Sam the Wonder Cat (currently lounging on the screened deck at home, I'm sure), all our love and thoughts of your lovely girl and the completely missed Babe!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | February 12, 2009 at 09:31 AM