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January 11, 2009


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Sissy and Tuck, beautiful young people.

I remember going to Graceland with my family when I was nine years old. I wrote my name on the wall outside the estate. My father took a movie on the grounds and we collected acorns and kept them for a long time. When Daddy had the film processed and we sat down to watch it we had to view it standing with our heads upside down.

Somehow in Daddy's excitement he had held the movie camera upside down. We loved Elvis but when the Beatles came along it was all about them until Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. I was only fourteen or so but I could see through the emptiness and felt they had come to the end of their creativity.

Liberal belief in the innate goodness of mankind is a form of schizophrenic behavior. A mental illness. Mankind is an animal whose nature is to survive, and over the generations the judeo-christian morality has developed the best code for humans to live at peace more than in disastrous conflict.

Pop culture itself seems to have become steadily more infantile since the late '40s. I was never that crazy about the Beatles, but my (slightly) younger cousin was. My aunt (mother's younger sister) was griping to my mother one day about my cousin's obsession with the Fab Four, and my mom hauled out a photograph of my aunt in a crowd of screaming bobby-soxers, throwing handkerchiefs to Frank Sinatra at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City in 1947. We all laughed because my aunt turned crimson and never said another word about the boys from Liverpool. As I look back, Ol' Blue Eyes may not have been exactly a role model of self-discipline and obedience to social convention, but he still seems to have been more mature than his successors in pop music. And he was a genuinely talented singer who worked to improve his skills rather than just relying on on-stage shock tactics to draw audiences. It's also difficult to imagine Frankie lecturing audiences about politics, as seems to be omnipresent nowadays.

You were beautiful young people and you are still beautiful human beings, inside and out. Wish I'd met you both years and years ago. You and Tuck and goomp and the kitties have enhanced my life.

What a handsome couple! Even cooler is how sweet on each other you still are! Gorgeous nostalgia to banish winter gloom. Agree on the music, tho some of the narcissistic vapid lyrics sure went to awesome music. Thinking of how you must still be missing your Baby Cakes. Each shaft of sunlight on a favorite resting spot must remind you with both pleasure and pain of his life and your loss, as must the spaces with an absence of the familiar, unique patterns of movement you loved to see. -Invisible tracings you can still feel on your heart. W virtual affection, R

So very sad to hear about your kitty. Your photos of the cats are great!

On a completely different subject.

I completely disagree with your (sis) views on the Beatles...but that's me. (:-))

The lyrics you quote are not from a Beatle song nor written by the Beatles. The song was written and performed by John Lennon after the Beatles broke up.

Such amazing photos...

Wishing you and yours the best New Years.

So sorry to read about your loss of one amazing family member.


My best wishes...

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