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January 09, 2009


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Umm. OK. Thanks for discussing the substance of her post.

As far as I can tell, there is no substance to Ann's post (really either of them). Basically she points to the article critical of Joe and says this is why she's glad she doesn't work with Pajamas Media.

Oooookay fine.

What about him does she not like? In those 2 posts, there is no "there" there. Even in the second one where she is complaining about Sissy's disagreement, she doesn't explain herself.

-- Is it because he is a plumber and is now off to do reporting from the Middle East? If she has issues with that, I hope she had issues with Peter Jennings... a high school drop out who began his career by botching up an anchor position, then running off to the Middle East to become a foreign correspondent... what exactly was his qualification for the job?

-- Is it because he openly expressed severe doubts about Barack Obama's Presidency with regard to Israel? Based on statements made by Mr. Obama prior to the election. Personally I was rather taken aback when Mr. Obama said he would sit down with the Iranians without ANY preconditions. In what particular way does that bode well for Israel? It completely contradicts his other statement about standing firmly by Israel. Should we not be questioning such diametrically opposing statements and wondering. If Mr. Obama did decide to sit down with the Iranians and bargain with them in the same manner Mr. Clinton bargained with the North Koreans - it would most certainly mean the death of Israel.

-- Is it because he was a media sensation (through no fault of his own) and now he should just slink back in a corner and shut up... even though all he did was ask a question that turned his life upside down? Is he now (after having state officials pore through his records and having television "reporters" blare any detail they could find to the world) supposed to go back to being a good little plumber, even if he thinks this is an opportunity to get something back for himself?

-- Is it because he's bald?

Of course, she could have answered this in some other post - but I didn't read it. Nor do I have time to go back and look for it. And therein lies the problem. Nothing is explained in either post - but Sissy is supposed to debate the merits of an article she points to... for all we know - Ann is merely annoyed because they would hire Joe.

Basically then she has expressed an opinion and Sissy has expressed a differing opinion. Who is right? One? Both? Neither? It will not be known until Joe actually does the job. Until that time, all is speculation.

Of course (as I said before) I'm willing to give the guy a chance. Apparently Ann isn't. Sad.

I see that Sissy's hits to Ann account for 3.1% of Ann's total.

Ann's hits to her account for only 1.9%.

Should we consider Sisu to be engaged in a disproportionate response to a non-threat?


As the late, great Rob Smith used to say, he was engaged in "a ceaseless quest for adoration from people who don't know me."

That's as good a description of some of us blodgers as anything I've seen.

My cure for being obsessed over how many hits I gets is... not to get a whole lotta hits. It works!

As for Ann Althouse, I don't understand her lack of faith in ol' Joe. As a plumber, he is used to handling excrement. As a reporter, his function will be, essentially, the same. Perhaps he can mold it into pretty shapes.

Avierra: Check out Teresa's comments for answers to your questions.

Teresa: Thank you for answering Avierra's questions so I don't have to.

Joan of Argghh!: I love your comment about my disproportionate response to Ann Althouse. :-)

Elisson: As I said in email this morning, the sun isn't even over the yardarm, and you've already made my day.

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