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January 03, 2009


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Anyone who has looked at the history of climate knows that as solar energy varies so does the climate on the earth. It always has and always will. However, moderns who think they are so smart to deny the superior moral standards of the judeo-christian understanding of mankind feel compelled to worship Al Gore instead.

LOL - ah yes, I saw this today too. It's a marvelous article. Can't wait to see what he says next.


Lovely! Grew up there. Amongst other things, sorely miss politicians of intelligence and wit there. Even when one disagrees with them, they are so much fun to listen to. Parliamentary debate has deteriorated with the level of folk there now, but it is still scintillating compared to our Congress. As far as climate goes, when I was there, one was oppressed by buildings still black with coal dust and the memories of trains and chimneys choking one in cities, etc. and people tended to walk, bike or mass transit everywhere so greenie stuff fell on more fertile soil. At least back then, everyone had so much less stuff and was so much poorer than Americans that being ascetic meant less renunciation. For an American to act green they have to change or hide far more of their accustomed habits. Where I live, it means adding a Prius to their fleet of six or seven family vehicles....And making several jet trips with family annually to pristine natural habitats to show they CARE!

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