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« The only boy | Main | "Such, too, is pure leadership" »

January 19, 2009


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It makes one wonder. Were some of our 19th and 20th century leaders con men, or is it the overwhelming abundance of ways to reach the population that has led to what appears to be a decline in the honor and integrity of those who would be our leaders?

I felt that I ought to instruct some of my students today that now that Barack Obama is the President they need to show him the proper respect by saying President Obama instead of the chant, "Obama, Obama, Obama." It was really getting kind of old and distracting from art class, and children need to learn proper manners and etiquette.

As to conning the masses, I'm sure that President Obama learned all he ever needed to know during the twenty years he attended the church of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

If you are looking for a con man, I suggest you look at the card dealer who just left the White House, the guy who promised you the good life but gave you a huge debt, a failing economy, a failed war, and the loss of your Constitutional rights....

If Barack Obama is Sister Sharon then, clearly, Bill Clinton is Elmer Gantry. Judging by the recent partnership during the tax cut extension.

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