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December 08, 2008


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Baby is just magnificent! And the photographer is pretty sensational as well!

Meanwhile, Sam the Wonder Cat has his little pink nose considerably out of joint because his outside jaunts off his screened porch have been brought to a screeching halt! He tried complaining and I ignored that. Then he tried looking depressed. Did him no good. At the moment he is trying to buy my acquiescence with lavish displays of affection - way, way more than normal. That isn't going to succeed either but I'm enjoying the purrfest so I'm not telling him that.

Given his uncertain temperament where children are concerned (as in flat-out hatred), porch time is not going to be happening any time soon. Come Spring or an unexpected warm snap, I have a plan to reinforce the screened porch in such a way that will be both attractive and discouraging to jaunts by "Houdini cat"!

Do the cats blame you for the freezing cold? I kind of think mine give me a reproachful look when they go the the door and the cold rushes in when I open it a few inches.

Absolutely! The dirty looks are legendary! I am also held responsible for rain and snow!

Kitty heaven, those cats are. Gorgeous photos, I don't like it that cold thou. Supposed to get down to 39° tonight here, that's cold enough. Too cold for kitties, all are nice and warm curled up on the sofa.

Baby and Tiny are, as usual, transplendent (is that a real word?) as seen through the lens of Sissy Willis.

Ah! I know where that word came from: Annie Hall, Woody Allen's tale of love and angst. But your kitties know naught of such things. They are merely kitties...and they are pleasing unto the eye and soul.

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