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December 23, 2008


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It will surely glow here DownEast on Christmas Eve when the clan gathers to celebrate in the manner of our dearly loved departed Finnish wife, mother, and grandmother.

Have a lovely time downeast with everyone together and the kitties providing lots of entertainment. I expect you'll have 1000's more pics over the next few days. LOL. Yay!

You are quite resourceful not to mention clever. Home cooked gifts are the best anyway. Enjoy your feast and have a very Merry Christmas.

Sis and I are spending the day together tomorrow and rather than go into a whole cooking frenzy (as we normally or abnormally would do), we've gotten a pre-made meal from a local upscale market and will, instead, spend the day enjoying each other's company and the delightful antics of the ever-shy Zeus (pitbull, big baby), the ever-needy Harley (corgi, beautiful and totally codependent little girl) and Tim (who believes, with some justification that he, as a Siamese gentleman, rules the roost). Animal slobber is the greatest condiment to a good day!

Muffins, kitties, and those beautifully-lit photographs tying them all together. If I had wanted a Seasonal Gift, why, I do believe I've just received one!

Merry Christmas, Sissy!

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