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December 29, 2008


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A beautiful biography of the much loved Baby Cakes.

What a wonderful tribute/requiem to your own irreplaceable Babe, Sissy. I hope you will continue to share photos of him with us.

When I was a child, I loved my cats as a child, and when they died, I grieved their deaths with a broken heart just as I do today. I agree with Gayle, they are a gift from God.

Now that I have grown and have a husband and children and grandchildren my cats still have an honored place in my life and I still grieve their deaths with a broken heart.

One thing I have discovered is that my cats have helped me more than I have helped them. There is something about the spirit. I've watched my own kitties touch hard cases and bring them around.

From the start my husband was a cat man and that has always been a consolation for me. The photo of your Tuck and your Babe with his snow paws brought tears to my eyes. When both of you love your cats so much you know you have a strong union.

Bless you Sissy and Tuck and Goomp and your wise sister.

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