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« "You can't go wrong with McCain Fine Gold" | Main | When you're hot, you're hot »

November 02, 2008


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Those snacks look great! I've never thought of smaller meatloaf slices on smaller bread. It's always meatloaf sammiches on day 2. But I do like using the horseradish mayo on the meatloaf sammich.

Hmmm... now I know what's for dinner tomorrow!

I'm showing my daughter, Kate your photo of your delicious looking doibs. I'm so up for this election I was nearly up all night! Pet darling Mr. B.C. for me.

May the land that I love continue to bask in freedom's light.

My gut is telling me it's McCain for a lot of reasons, all of them based on years of experience and observation. But that being said, there is a certain caution borne of the years of experience and observation as well. I work in the District of Columbia and when McCain wins, it may be quite tense for a few days!

And isn't the Babe a gorgeous, gorgeous boy? Now HE might be worth taking a day off work for. Barack Obama is not. We're (my carpool) voting at 6 a.m. then going to IHOP for breakfast and thence to work. A civilized way to start the day - other than the hour!

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