"The disastrous course of the past 4 years?" Try telling that to Baby Cakes, Mr. Gore. He and his sis, the Divine Miss T, have been having the time of their lives for the past 4 years.
"Hello Donot," writes the unspeakable Al Gore in an email forwarded to us by his dear "friend," our own Taxachusetts Senator John Kerry:
By the narrowest of margins, we lost our chance to elect John Kerry president in 2004 and cut short the disastrous course of the past 4 years.
In 2000 and 2004, just a small difference in voter turnout would have made the difference. This time around, that difference could be you.
That's why I'm asking you to consider taking the day off to volunteer on Election Day — Tuesday, November 4th — to help carry Barack Obama to victory.
I know that this isn't possible for everyone, but if you can, I'd like for you to sign up to get out the vote on Election Day so that we can finally bring the change this country needs.
Speaking of disastrous courses of the past 4 years — NOT! — check out the first course, doibs (above) we had last night for our Friday WSJ Crossword Puzzle Date, featuring Triscuits topped with leftover meatball slices on a dollop of mayo and chicken strogie with shredded parmesan and cheddar. The carrot was frosting on the cake.
Icky poo. How sad that skipping work to support the Democrat candidate is the best our fellow Americans on the left side of the aisle have to offer in defense of the Shining City Upon a Hill. How condescending to the intelligence of us little people is that? These are humor-challenged folk who are capable of asserting, as does Roseanne, that "An Obama presidency would be great for comedy, as it signals a rise in the intelligence level of America, which makes for better, more ironic and layered jokes." Can you say nuance? We're with centrist Ann Althouse on this:
Blah! I despise all the comic writers who have held their fire because they so want Obama to win. Comedy first, you traitors to your craft.
John McCain, a deeply humorous individual who's been there and done that, won the laugh fest last night on Saturday Night Live. He who laughs last laughs best.
Those snacks look great! I've never thought of smaller meatloaf slices on smaller bread. It's always meatloaf sammiches on day 2. But I do like using the horseradish mayo on the meatloaf sammich.
Hmmm... now I know what's for dinner tomorrow!
Posted by: Joan of Argghh! | November 02, 2008 at 07:19 PM
I'm showing my daughter, Kate your photo of your delicious looking doibs. I'm so up for this election I was nearly up all night! Pet darling Mr. B.C. for me.
Posted by: Laura Lee Donoho | November 03, 2008 at 08:22 AM
May the land that I love continue to bask in freedom's light.
Posted by: goomp | November 03, 2008 at 09:03 AM
My gut is telling me it's McCain for a lot of reasons, all of them based on years of experience and observation. But that being said, there is a certain caution borne of the years of experience and observation as well. I work in the District of Columbia and when McCain wins, it may be quite tense for a few days!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | November 03, 2008 at 02:31 PM
And isn't the Babe a gorgeous, gorgeous boy? Now HE might be worth taking a day off work for. Barack Obama is not. We're (my carpool) voting at 6 a.m. then going to IHOP for breakfast and thence to work. A civilized way to start the day - other than the hour!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | November 03, 2008 at 02:33 PM