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November 21, 2008


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Such beautiful kitties!

Gorgeous cats! And having wasted hundreds of shots myself trying to make my ginger huntress look anything except well fed, I especially admire your ability to get them with eyes wide open! Mine blink (especially the elderly Siamese with blue beauties of eyes). You really are amazing with the macro shots! (Found you via Maggie's Farm. Will spend some time this weekend trying for some closeups of our Mighty Predator.

Pure heaven those kitties are. Gorgeous shots as usual. :)

Retriever --

The secret of getting just the right shot is to take a series, one right after the other. For every "decisive moment," there are usually at least five or ten "also rans." The beauty of digital is that you can tell right away, discard any duds and go right back to the scene for more if necessary.

Good dog. :-)

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