Babe inspects the local flora early morning yesterday for scent clues of the comings and goings of the neighborhood fauna.
"The students are sheeplike in following the bellwethers (castrated rams) that are their professors and media allies, whose reflexive in-the-tank-for Obama, anti-Palin spin shapes student 'opinion,'" we wrote in the comments of The Chronicle of Higher Education's judgment-challenged reportage of the results of a pre-election poll of college students that showed "Most of them don’t like her and don’t respect [Palin] … Students didn’t think much of her capacities, either":
These are devastating findings. If the youth vote continues to show up in +50 percent numbers, and if they continue to lean Democrat by 2-to-1, the Republican Party can’t select candidates who push the young even further away. Yes, many opinions expressed by the students in the poll were silly — such as one in five respondents claiming that America “isn’t ready” to elect a black man president — but 94 percent of them are registered to vote, and 46 percent of them registered to vote just this year.
Tiny on alert this morning for territorial incursions outside the kitchen window as she waits for Tuck to finish his Sunday breakfast — the usual eggs, bacon and muffin plus an inspiration, leftover Thanksgiving Scalloped Fennel and Potatoes as a stand-in for home fries — so she can lick the plate clean. Mmmmm.
"Devastating findings," indeed, but not necessarily in the way the CHE imagines. "To use the word 'think' for these young people’s feelings is a bit of a stretch," we continued in the comments, citing liberal Saturday Night Live Executive Producer Lorne Michaels's refreshingly candid assertion that "When people actually meet her, they're blown away." Unfortunately, the only way most of our fellow citizens who want to have an opinion but prefer to have others do their thinking for them will meet Sarah Palin is through the MSMs distorting lens, as a distortion-correcting post-election Zogby poll revealed:
The survey was commissioned by John Ziegler, author of The Death of Free Speech, producer of the recently released film "Blocking the Path to 9/11" and producer of the upcoming documentary film, Media Malpractice … How Obama Got Elected.
Tiny inspects the Thanksgiving centerpiece prior to enjoying turkey treats (see below) down Goomp's the other day.
"We stand by the results of our survey work on behalf of John Ziegler, as we stand by all of our work," said Zogby in response to attempts by Obama thugs to dismiss the findings as the result of push-polling, a favorite technique of Obama tanksters themselves:
"After I interviewed Obama voters on Election Day for my documentary, I had a pretty low opinion of what most of them had picked up from the media coverage of the campaign, but this poll really proves beyond any doubt the stunning level of malpractice on the part of the media in not educating the Obama portion of the voting populace," said Ziegler.
And now, when it's too late, the malpracticing turkeys' media's "small-donor 'myth'" is revealed for the big lie it always was:
Everybody knows how President-elect Barack Obama's amazing campaign money machine was dominated by several million regular folks sending in hard-earned amounts under $200, a real sign of his grass-roots support.
Except, it turns out, that's not really true.
Citizens of the republic — it looks as if we couldn't keep it — meet the state-controlled media you voted for. Will rumored reinstallation of some version of the UNFairness Doctrine be the final nail? Or can we take heart in reports that "digital superstar" Sarah Palin "continues to dominate search engine queries, cable news and online video sites" three weeks after the election? Will an army of internet surfers turn out to be the "Great Silent Majority" of our day?
Update: "Cats and their humans are often an opinionated lot, especially the Conservative ones, as Daddy and I show all the time, and Sisu is as interesting, thought-provoking, and popular as they come, writes Nikita the Opinionated Pussycat, a most discriminating host of this week's Carnival of the Cats #246 at Musings of a Mad Macedonian:
Sissy Willis, provides the opinion, in a link-filled essay, and while Cats and their Humans, of a Liberal Persuasion may get apoplexy, there is something about this post that everyone will agree on completely: The wonderful photos of Babe and Tiny, complete with colorful descriptions.
Apoplectic liberals? That gets our purrbox going.
It seems that the liberal religion has replaced Christianity as the dominant religion in much of Academia and in the MSM. They are more vehement in their proclamation of their faith than the most ardent Born-again Christians and as such a grave threat to the freedom that we have known.
Posted by: goompa | November 30, 2008 at 03:21 PM
As I keep saying, the Republican's lack of understanding or willful lack of effective use of the MSM has always been their downfall. Who is the only Republican who ever had any type of media savvy? Why Ronald Reagan - he is long gone. Yet not a single Republican has stepped in to fill the gap.
Not one.
Until they get this figured out, the Republicans will only be winning offices based on how badly the Democrats are bungling their side. This does not get the Republicans anywhere because winning through the opponent being even more inept than you are - means you won't be able to accomplish a thing once in office.
Oddly enough I was reading that there also was not a lot of extra people voting - over and above the norm. This means that the usual people voted and they didn't like what the Republicans were presenting - what a shock... not. McCain's campaign and the "debates" were poorly done. They let the press run with the bit between their teeth and made little effort to turn anything to their advantage. *sigh*
As for the youth vote. They have to have a reason to go vote. With the election of Obama - that "reason" is now history. You won't get them out to vote for "the first black President" ever again. Maybe the first woman President... but that depends. Mostly they can't be bothered.
Posted by: Teresa | November 30, 2008 at 03:49 PM
The fact is that most people are so completely engrossed in their own lives, their own problems and their own little worlds that unless and until something really major (like 9/11) imposes itself on their consciousness, there is little to no attention being paid. This is the norm rather than people like us who are the exception and actually do become passionate about what is going on in the world around us.
Perhaps emulating the more narrow concerns of a Tiny or a Babe (or a Sam the Wonder Cat) is a more comfortable way to go - but in the long run, hardly as productive. Still, their transcendent beauty is always a major relief as I trundle over here each day. What beautiful creatures!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | December 01, 2008 at 04:51 PM