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« It's the incentives, stupid | Main | "Now would somebody please do something?" »

October 02, 2008


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Let us hope that "from every mountain side" freedom shall ring.

My plan... watching baseball (or High Noon which I have no DVR) and going back to the most highly regarded and esteemed Vodka Pundit for the drunk blogging recap of the evening.

Since I know someone somewhere will eventually have the entire thing online - I feel no pressing need to watch it in all it's glory tonight. But I never miss the drunk blogging because... well, laughter is the best and only way to get through this mess. Thank you Stephen Green.

She shot, she scored. There is no other word for it!

Biden was a smarmy mess and clearly smitten with Sarah by mid-debate! She is such a superstar and may be both the nation's and McCain's salvation.

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