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October 23, 2008


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she is a total breath of fresh air and the fact that i live in the middle of chicagostan and that besides being a national security hawk i am a bit of a R.I.N.O. on social issues is beside the point.

For those who wish to vote for a true patriot with strong, uncorruptible, traditional American values instead of self-centered, wishy-washy values and beliefs that change to gain votes, Sarah is the one.

And yet, just yesterday I read on Yahoo News that the McCain campaign is supposedly trying to conceal as many of Palin's utterances as possible because of the numerous gaffes she is committing on the campaign trail (of course, no examples were given) - I read it three times before I realized that actually it is the OBAMA campaign which has pulled Rosary Joe off the campaign trial to just shut him the heck up for a couple of days while Senator Obama is in Hawaii with his grandmother.

"I read it three times before I realized that actually it is the OBAMA campaign which has pulled Rosary Joe off the campaign trial to just shut him the heck up for a couple of days while Senator Obama is in Hawaii with his grandmother."

1. Word on the street says that if Obama wins, his first order of business will be to transfer Biden's VP office to the West Wing attic--and Obama will be keeping Joey B.'s office door key pad combo in the same attache case as the nuclear codes.

2. Question of the Day: if Obama's grammie is in such bad shape, how did His Majesty find time to go dancing AGAIN on "Ellen?"

Two points, one - no one mentions how much Obama's greek columns cost (at the DNC) and two - I thought Biden was supposed to be the foreign policy expert Obama so sorely needed as VP as he had none. Biden sure showed him. Pulled, gotta love it.

Who needs those fruitflys anyway?
answer;researchers on autism....oooops duh!

McCain campaign is supposedly trying to conceal as many of Palin's utterances as possible because of the numerous gaffes she is committing on the campaign trail (of course, no examples were given). http://findmediafire.com

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