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« "The natural order of the world is chaos, not calm" | Main | It's the character, stupid »

October 04, 2008


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This reminds me of a 'dumb polack' joke I heard as a kid (that, interestingly enough, I heard translated into both Dutch and French vis a vis the Belgians, and from a Swedish friend against the Danish - am 1/2 Danish, so is okay to repeat.)

Rumor has it that, at Porter Square, there was an emergency on the up escalator: People were stranded for hours.

Such fun...

Cackle Cackle !

Barack Obama's campaign found it amusing that Senator McCain is unable to type (due to injuries suffered as a POW - but hey, why should good taste and compassion stop them from making a good joke, right).

However, Senator Obama cannot land a jet fighter on the deck of an airplane at night - in the rain!


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