When a cat registered [presumably as a Democrat] to vote was discovered in Cleveland's Cayahoga County a few years back, any sensible person would have realized at once it was fraud. Just ask Tiny, above in a post-catnip stupor (note flakes on fur). Cats are neither Republican nor Democrat but Independent.
"I found a cat that was registered to vote," Bill Sammon is telling Megyn Kelly on Fox News re Acorn (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) voter-registration fraud in Ohio back when Bill was an investigative reporter covering the Cayahoga County Board of Elections for the Cleveland Plain Dealer during a previous election:
They weren't sure whether it was a DemoCAT, fat-CAT Republican or working for Ross PURR-ot. Acorn isn't just some left-wing group. Its a group that Barack Obama used to work for and served as an attorney for suing the state of Illinois to implement the motor-voter law.
After partaking of the weed, she finishes things off with a good roll in the plate.
Ironically, Acorn has emerged from the shadows to center stage thanks to Democrat lawmakers' stealth attempts to pad the bail-out/rescue bill with funds siphoned through housing welfare via the Housing Trust Fund, "a boondoggle that Democrats in Congress have used to fund political-action groups like ACORN and the National Council of La Raza," as Ed Morrissey wrote recently.
"How is it that tax dollars can be earmarked to enable such an obviously partisan group?" an incredulous Megyn asks a reporter on the scene:
A lot of them, especially Republicans, are waking up on Capital Hill [following Democrat attempts to direct funds to Acorn through the bailout/rescue bill].
Can we credit John McCain, whose temporary suspension of his campaign two weeks back to join the Senate debate on the ongoing financial crisis caught his Democrat opponent and fellow travelers in the Congress and the media off guard, perhaps the catalyst that shook things up enough to isolate the stealth "sweetener" Democrats were trying to blend into the stew?
Update: Whoever or whatever is responsible for ferreting out the dirty doings of Barack Obama allies, one thing is certain. Steve of Modulator is responsible for bringing to light all things bright and beautiful at Friday Ark #212.
Update II: Dr. Sanity is responsible for bringing to light all things dim and ugly about human nature in the latest Carnival of the Insanities.
Update III: Maggie's links.
Update IV: My Big Fat Orange Cat — We LOVE the name of her blog! — hosts a lively Carnival of the Cats.
Voter fraud should be punishable by placing the perpetrators in the public stocks. Public disgrace is the antidote to arrogant liberals.
Posted by: goomp | October 09, 2008 at 11:40 AM
How? HOW? How have we come to this? The corruption is so blatant, so deeply rooted, so pervasive - this isn't the country in which I grew up. And yet, it is still my beloved homeland.
It seems like every single time we root out these cynical thieves on one hand, they flower elsewhere.
I think this is why I like cats - they're completely authentic!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | October 09, 2008 at 01:36 PM
And come to think of it - granted I'm sure ACORN found fertile ground in Cleveland - there are some areas that are profoundly distressed there - but it's already heavily Democratic in its orientation anyway? Most of Cuyahoga County is Democratic - it's the outlying counties like Lake or Geauga that it might make a difference.
This certainly explains why the Dems are so VEHEMENTLY opposed to picture ID at the polling places!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | October 09, 2008 at 04:34 PM
I know that many people have been taken by surprise on this ACORN thing, but really, it's been going on for years and years - we're only just hearing about it now in places other than Illinois.
I would be willing to bet that most voter rolls in the country have 1/3 to 1/2 of their lists being people who shouldn't be voting in that precinct any more. I'm pretty sure I'm on 3 voter rolls in Illinois and maybe even one in Missouri.
My husband got a jury summons from Missouri even though we haven't lived there for 30 years - he was still on the voter roll there! He had to write them to get his name removed so he wasn't given a contempt of court citation - how silly is that.
Voter rolls are a joke. Unfortunately, they're all we've got for now. Not sure how to change it.
Posted by: Teresa | October 09, 2008 at 11:27 PM
"Cats are neither Republican nor Democrat but Independent." Sissy, that should be in Bartlett's.
Maybe a November loss will galvanize Republicans into becoming community activists - following groups like ACORN around, and sitting at the polls to observe. Here in NH, our last election had lots of "observers" up from Mass.
Posted by: Amy | October 11, 2008 at 10:50 AM
I've got your submission for carnival of the cats.
It's really too bad great groups like ACORN, who actually went through and discovered many of these irregularities by self policing are getting such negative press. They do a lot of good.
Posted by: Bonnie | October 11, 2008 at 07:08 PM
Bonnie: All I know about Acorn is what I read online. It sounds mighty disreputable and one-sided (Democrat) to me. Tell me more about your sources that tell you they're up to good things.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | October 11, 2008 at 07:21 PM
Thank heavens for MA primaries. I vote democrat all the time in them, as there are no viable candidates in any other parties here in Somerville. Also, I will have less problems with fraud accusations if I vote as a democrat here - have documented before the problems a republican can have in Camb/Somerville at the polls. (My big running joke among my friends and former coworkers is that my two cats - the dead one and the alive one - are registered democrats in ward five precinct one.)
Posted by: Weird Cat Lady | October 12, 2008 at 07:30 PM