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« "If McCain can get the votes of all the women who were pregnant at their weddings, it'll be a landslide!" | Main | They are just like us »

September 05, 2008


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All this and a woman too. What a fresh breeze to blow away the stench of the everyday "tell me what you want and I'll get it for you" politician.

Sarah Palin has feminine wiles and yet, she is as tough as steel. It's an unbeatable combination. Hurray for Sissy Willis! I have been waiting for your reaction and your own unique outlook. Wonderful job

It is a great image, to see the partisan Mitchell dodging balloons, as she actually tried to defend Hillary Clintons lie about 'dodging sniper fire'.

A great post...

Thank you.

It is even more ironic, that Gov. Palin represents everything the Maverick does not.

I have to wonder if she can carry Senator McCain to the finish line, and definitely hope so.

Sadly, they are telling Americans John McCain was the ONE Man in Washington who fought for the SURGE. This is rather insulting to the current President, and hard to hear the Campaign exaggeration coming from Ms. Palin.

The cynic in myself, hasn't forgotten that John McCain was against drilling offshore, only a few months ago. If only he was more like Gov. Palin.

I understand and share the excitement of the genuine Palin.

One can only hope she will influence a vast number of the triangulating, gaming, manipulating Politicians to embrace her successful formula of sound policy and honest, strong, decent, presence.

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