Tiny's becoming a totally glamorous bleached blonde, says Tuck, her Chelsea Gray fur turning more and more peaches and cream by the day. She worships the sun.
"Now I Know," headlines Amba re her turning inwards in the wake — in the Irish sense — of the campaign season from Hell:
-- why I've been instinctively tuning out the campaign coverage and involuntarily shunning the political blogosphere. I've been avoiding Obama Fatigue like the plague.
We, too, have been instinctively tuning out the campaign coverage other than an occasional lapse — but take issue with our dear friend's dismissal of the possibility of poor folks' pride:
So, to put it as crudely as possible: the rich don't want to be taxed; the poor want more handouts; and everybody in between is trying to figure out whether life is better for them (us) under the frankly powerful or under those whose power derives from purporting to represent the interests of the powerless.
"The poor want more handouts"? Only in a soul-deadened socialist society whose welfare-anesthetized work-free citizens believe their "betters" know better than they what's best for them. As we've blogged a zillion times, there is no honor -- and no really feeling good -- in being handed something you didn't earn. If you're talking "the poor" in a mobile society like ours, tomorrow is another day.
Update: A great way to tune out campaign coverage is to head over to Mind of Mog for the beautifully designed, fully illustrated Carnival of the Cats #230.
Why is it whenever I see a picture of Tiny or the Babe, a song runs through my head "Isn't she/he lovely?"
Guess I'm just blessed with a keen appreciation of feline gorgeousness!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | August 12, 2008 at 10:43 AM