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August 10, 2008


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Good company, good food, and educational entertainment. Hard to surpass.

That is one beautiful white kitty. Is she deaf? White cats often are - I've had 2 of them.

But of course, as gorgeous as she is, she doesn't hold a candle to the Chelsea Greys or Sam the Wonder Cat!

Thanks for the kitty compliments. Snowball, self appointed Queen of White Cats, is selectively hard of hearing, but is not deaf. Not unlike many humans I know....

What an outstanding get together all the way around. Love the kitty and the wine cellar.

I've driven through one of the main roads of Watertown, but remember nothing as I was desperately trying to figure out where I was going. *grin* We may have to take a drive through again and have a look at the houses. They sound lovely.

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